Hello to all ya hydro freaks, i am acquiring 2 times 1 meter square dutch pot hydro systems. I have been using soil but i would like to automatize(??) my setup so i am switching to hydro! One of the reasons also is that i am looking for more prod.!I know it depends on how i run it more than the system itself. Any one uses it?Any feedback?? I know u know so.... Thanx (Edited by simpleminded wiseguy at 2:32 pm on Nov. 1, 2003)
Mine is along the same idea, I use rockwool cubes atop of slabs and feed with pipe pumped from the res. I use Europonics two part feed, and mix to ppm/ec/tds of 18-20 in full growth and flower. I top the res with mostly water daily and change the lot weekly-ish . I used to check the PH, it was always about right so I don't bother now . Yes I know I should , but ... The best investment has been the NZ trunceon, saved me topping up the res with mixed feed and sending the ppm skyhigh over the week. The plant uses water moe than the feed, and evaporation etc. Leave the pumps on 24/7 or 1hr on/1 hr off. nice and easy, streaker