Effects of MMJ

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana' started by HazeNHydro420, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. HazeNHydro420

    HazeNHydro420 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud


    A snip-it on the symptoms

    Bipolar II disorder. When four or more episodes of illness occur within a 12-month period, a person is said to have rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Some people experience multiple episodes within a single week, or even within a single day. Rapid cycling tends to develop later in the course of illness.

    Which Includes:

    -feeling hopeless, that nothing will ever change or get better
    -feeling helpless, that nothing one does makes any difference
    -feeling like a burden to family and friends

    Haze's comments- Suffering from Bipolar Disorder my entire life I've always knew in my head "something just isn't right." I've taken various perscription medications and absolutly nothing seems to work. Medications seem to make it worse which is a common statement from many Bipolar sufferers. The only thing that I, and others have found that will work, is Marijuana. With the use of Marijuana through inhalation has given comfort and the ability to socially function normally.

    My body tends to go thru several different forms of "episodes" and stressful times. From being increasingly irritable throughout the day the muscles within my body stay extremly "tensed and tight" resulting in painful knots and cramps that are almost unbearable. Using Marijuana solves all of that relaxing my body/mind/muscles to the point of being completly pain free.

    Even in the middle of a "rageing episode" I force myself to sit down and will consume puffs of marijuana which causes my mood to change from violent/anger to total relaxation and peace/happiness. When used first thing in the morning provides the most comfort throughout the day for me. My muscles will begin to tighten up and knot while I sleep causing me to awake in severe pain and discomfort.

    Marijuana solves all these problems.

    It's "peaceful/relaxing" effects seem to come almost instantly and after only a couple puffs I am almost instantly noticably happier and more "in control" of my mind. Racing thoughts and constant muscle discomfort often leads to feeling severly depressed and worthlessness.

    I feel that thru the use of Marijuana I and many others can find relief from the constant pain and suffering from Bipolar. Weather it be physical relief or being relief and calmness of the mind. It has helped me stay more relaxed and calm thus keeping me from becoming irritable or overly stressed.

    Through the use of Marijuana I have been able to live a happy, peaceful, calm and productive life and am able to move around freely and openly without the constant worry of a "episode" triggering at any time for no apparent reason.

    I feel that spreading this knowledge and my experience with Marijuana and my suffering I hope to help others find comfort and well needed peace. As I know that this disorder can cause extreme complications with normal social engagments and also relationships, weather if be friends or family.

    Thanks for reading and I hope this will help someone find the peace they are looking for to live their life free of worry and pain.


  2. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    good post haze

    (Edited by mistical at 4:08 am on Oct. 23, 2005)
  3. Joe Gardener

    Joe Gardener Full Flowering

    Nice Post Haze

    Thanx for sharing.
  4. SD

    SD Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Haze my wife has a cousin who suffers from bi polar she is also a rapid cycler. She is a lovable person however the reprecussions of her condition causes her to push people away very often in many different forms.

    I began sharing the green bud with her and she really enjoyed its effects on her condition. The medication she is currently taking, one of them being lithium, tore her world apart.

    They had her on so many prescription drugs she was a zombie. bi polar is a torturous thing leaving those who suffer from it in a state of emotional and as you said physical pain. She drank to deal with hers and still does. She enjoyed very much the effects pot had on her condition however because of the laws and the small town we live in she was too paranoid to seek a prescription for marijuana and also too paranoid to grow it.

    She recently up and ran away again leaving her current life behind like she has done her entire life. Due to this agonizing condition. none of us will ever really understand unless we suffer from it ourselves.

    She confused the living hell out of me at times and burst into to tears quite often for no apparent reason. After witnessing it first hand I do not wish bi polar upon anyone.

    The point is we witnessed marijuana help this woman. it did relax her and she enjoyed its effects. She has run away again at 40 years old and we hope that some day she will get a prescription for pot without it landing her in prison.

    You arent kidding marijuana has drastic positive effects upon some of those with bi polar disorder. thanks for sharing send a copy of that to your congressman... well said.

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