Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Psycho D, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Psycho D


    ..on a more serious note..

    You blokes across the way thought gettin yer porn censored was a bum deal? Pffft..

    Some heavy shit here so, process it at your own pace.

    Some food for thought and a short op-ed. Relevant to what we do here. In a day and age where technologies were supposed to make life easier for the average person. The G-ment has taken it upon themselves to use that to their advantage and, peer up our proverbial assholes. Nothing more that a form of mind-rape in the name of National Security. Sound familiar?

    I am not one for conspiracy theories. These fuckwads are either to stupid to realize they are punching their own ticket or, too arrogant to care that they are running out of people to piss off.

    Take it how you want. With or without lube.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
  2. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    welcome to obamaville....voted for him twice and thought things would change....guess I'm the fool.

    a snake is always a snake...a pol is always always a politician
  4. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    USA vs NSA

  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    That's supposed to make me feel safer? When was the last time FISA turned down a warrant request?

    "In its total 34 year history - from 1978 through 2012 - the Fisa court has rejected a grand total of 11 government applications, while approving more than 20,000." :source guardiannews.com
  6. Psycho D


    I am not an "I told ya so" guy. But if yous were around here when Barry was first running, well....

    I'll have to dig up some of those posts and see how close I was to knowing what was going to go down with that asswipe. He writes his own rules man.

    People here thought I was crazy voting for McCain. I, myself called it a lesser of two evils thing if I remember right. McCain would have played it close to the vest yes. But, by the book.

    This Barry dude is just giving us a dirty, backdoor, greased up, hammertime love making session with our buttholes. Seriously. Fast and loose with the rules. I am almost ashamed to live here anymore. Fuckin' the little folks left and right. It's getting pathetic.

    Luckily, I can walk to Mexico from here if I have to. I can only hope to outlive the stupid sons of bitches that run this country now.

    Case in point- here's some more dumb asswipes that run you and I's environment. Read this shit and tell me these people aren't looking for profit over humanity.


    I could go on but, again, I'm am not a conspiracy guy. I'm am just an anti-dipshit guy.
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I here you...and agree.

    I can't swallow that far right wing shit, nor can I swallow that left wing we should take care of everyone, don't work BS either.

    I like my guns, I believe in gay marriage, I believe in personal responsiblity, I don't believe in God, I believe in Healthcare (not really obamacare, but it's a start even though it's fucked)....people like me in the middle are just left out to dry. They call us the indy's but reallly it's whos selling the best shit sandwhich at election time. You have the base of the left and the right that will vote just because of the R or D after the name....which is totally fucked up in my book.

    I just want to be left alone and for us to have some compassion....really is that to much to ask? You're sick or hurt, we'll take care of you, you can work, work
  8. GK_SocialMedia

    GK_SocialMedia Moderator

  9. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    My right side is stronger than my left so for me it's....Righty tighty, lefty loosey.:kidding:

    Seriously, I get that the government has to search for terrorist groups online but I think they are going way overboard using terrorism as an excuse to invade the privacy of their own citizens looking for other things than terrorism. Im also so sick of the government attitude of "If you have nothing to hide than you have nothing to worry about". That's just a load of crap.


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