
Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by Herbert, Jun 5, 2004.

  1. Herbert

    Herbert Germinated

    is it possible to grow outdoor plants with out fertilizeing them at all
  2. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    of corse it is...how do you think weed grows naturally in some countries..u think they have time to go fert each and every plant...BUT, it wont be at its peak potency, and you wont get the same yield as you would if you used fert, but hey itel be all natural...thats good
  3. Herbert

    Herbert Germinated

    alright danno i will become a allnatual grower i prefer natural ways i dont like to juice my plants
  4. Danno33

    Danno33 A Fat Sticky Bud

    that is good herb, the only problem is, is that plants somtimes lack of nutrients and may result in yellow leaves. BUT, the rain is a GOOD source for the plants, as it contains plants nutrients that may help this, but still i think plants do need some sort of nutes in their lives, try all organic nutes, trust me its better than going all natural. IF you dont want those nasty chemicals in your buds, you have to flush your soil a few weeks before you harvest. This will give you the "all natural" tast and feeling, with the result of nice big buds that we look for...without nutes you will not get this.
  5. jon chempo

    jon chempo New Sprout


    Quote: from Herbert on 7:41 am on June 5, 2004
    is it possible to grow outdoor plants with out fertilizeing them at all

    Sorry but no its not .. is it possible to never feed your children ??

    In natural conditions plants get there nutrients from mother earth ..
  6. Tiberon

    Tiberon Latae Sententiae Excommunication


    try organic nutes....they are all natural!

    Pure Blend Pro is good stuff:biggrin:
  7. Disturbed1980

    Disturbed1980 Full Flowering

    the first time i grew I didnt use any nutes, I transplanted the weed from pottery soil to clay, what i am trying to say is most strains are pretty hardy they can live under varios conditions, i didnt get a huge yield at all but it worked and it did bud up, as long as it gets watered there is a chance that your plant will grow (but believe me feeding your plant the right stuff is so much better than just watering it).

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