Festival Season again.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ResinRubber, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Minneapolis Gay Pride MnNORML tent. We had folks 5 and 6 deep wanting to talk legalization.:thumbs-up: Recruited a good 50 or more new members and will sign up more tomorrow.

    Legalization and the gay marriage issue tie in wonderfully together. Our group views both as part of natural law with it's grass roots in States Rights to achieve momentum.

    A new young conservative candidate decided he was going to seek Republican Party endorsement in a House District held by a 20 year Dem who is adamantly against weed.:thumbs-up: His platform includes full legalization and pressing the State to sue the Fed concerning Narcotics Scheduling as it pertains to Medical Cannabis. (the cat makes a helluva a case), He also views Cannabis as a States Rights issue that needs to be won to further a Constitutional Protectionist stance. If all goes well, by this time next month we'll have a fiscal conservative Repub running for State Office on a Legalization platform. Big day for a little group.

    With all the NORML attendance at festivals across the U.S. I'm going to ask each of you to donate an afternoon of your time to staff their tent. You'll meet like minded folk, share some cannabis culture and support those trying to make our lives safer and easier.

    Email your local chapter, membership is NOT required, they can always use the help.





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