few pics

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Towelieee, May 15, 2009.

  1. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Couple outdoor shots...some wildflowers and a large mother plant. Only been outside for around 10 days...:fly: I think I'm still gonna throw some mulch of some kind to fill in the hole and to spread around. One question I'm pondering...I'm visioning a massive plant so I might need to put some wire around to help protect it and support it. Had a few critters tryin to dig around it I can see.

    TheCarpenter likes this.
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    That's going to be massive.:shocked: Thanks for the color too.:thumbsup:
  3. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    np man. I forgot to add that this ak 47 is planted in approx. 60L of coco with some perlite mixed in. The whole plant will be made into premium bubblehash. As you can see I started diggin like a fuckin madman and dug the hole too deep. Is wire fence my best option? I can't figure out what else I could possibly use.
  4. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Marb, brother from another mother, go to home depot, get some rebar sections over in the masonary/brick block section........4ft, 5 ft, 6ft whatever.......pound em into the ground around your plant to the desired circle size.......say every 4ft or so........get a cheap roll of chicken wire, taller the better.........wrap it around your old plant there and tie it to the rebar and then tie it to itself to lock it in.........I got mine done pretty much the same way and I have DEER tracks all around my stuff but no intruders............the reason for that kinda setup is, its almost invisable, its so thin and skinny..........good luck Marb

    ps......oh ya get some tie wire or zip ties to use to attatch the wire
  5. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    cool..thanks chris, I think I can scrounge around and find something similar that will work. I will prob need to get something up soon though because there are deer trails going right past the plant.
  6. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    JINKIES!!!!! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

    That is ONE BIG BUSH! and beautiful flowers too! Good luck Marb, and nice to meetcha...
  7. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    Love the pics. How long did you grow the mom before moving her out?
  8. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    wow very nice plant its fuckin huge:bongin:

    dont u think a chopper might see it if they fly over when its flowering , i dont see many trees close by so its kinda out in the open in the tall grass it looks like to me but im very retarded high right now mayb its just me:passit:
  9. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    I vegged this plant from a clone I took around Jan. 10th. I even took 48 clones off this plant around a 5-6 weeks ago.

    The worst part was driving with the big mother fucker...

    Smurf, its in an area where many wild feral marijuana grows. In about a month everything will be tall and green. Security is number 1 in my book. I picked a spot so it has some protection from strong winds as such.
  10. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    When do you expect it will go into flower as far as the outdoor light schedule. Either way, that's alot of weed!

    Towlie- wanna get high? don't forget to bring a towel; that towel is a trip, lol.
  11. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Not sure...I think it will finish late sept. but I've never grown outside so I really don't know. It's gonna be alot of seeded weed..but I'm makin it all into hash.
  12. budbox

    budbox workin things out

    fishing line

    if ur worried about deer and small critters i would use the rebar like the earlierthread but thats a lot of chicken wire to use so i would jsut bury some bout a foot underground and put it only half wat up and the other top half u can wrap with fishing line cause the deer get wierded out when they can feel it but not see it so they will jsut leave it alone and it will save a lil money 4 ya
  13. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    All told.....that might cost you $30..maybe....now 100ft is alot but a 10ft roll isnt shhhhhhh and a few bars would be like $10......wire like 15-20.....so like 30
  14. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Yesterday I picked up a 150ft roll of 3ft tall chicken wire and it cost me $60. I got it at the TSC... not sure if the states has those.
  15. Mr Douglas

    Mr Douglas still stoned again still

    Love outdoor grow pics

    That's going to be 1 big monster, marb :5eek:.........wait to see her in late Sept! :eek:hyeah:
  16. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    getting bigger the colas are dense with tight bushy nodes. I have had some bug damage and some kind of critter knawed the shit out of the bottom of plant...luckily the stem was so thick the fucker didnt hurt it too bad. He also pruned off some lower branches...which saved me some work.. :smokin:


  17. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    That thing is a beast! Good work man.
  18. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    Hope there's no pollen in the air. Nice lookin plant, can't wait to see that beast finished. You should end up with ounces of bubble hash.
  19. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    yea man...unfortunately pollination will be inevitable, and it will last for months...I'm sure this will be seeded real bad...I have just always wanted to try an outdoor grow with good kind bud to see what I end up with. Plus I'm hoping to see this thing turn into a monster. :smokin: Either way my goal for this outdoor run was an ounce of bubblehash.

    I about forgot something else interesting to note. This wild marijuana does smell great in full flowering...but its always full of seeds and and leaves...pretty much no bud or trichs either. Well, the females do have trichs...but they are extremely small and don't even compare to a fat indica trich. These are grown all over the place in patches of about a thousand plants or more usually...although every winter when I'm out hunting I run into all the dried up stalks. This is what is strange..the past 2 years I have found a single plant that had been all dried up except it still had buds hanging all over it. I broke the buds apart and found no seeds...The logical thing to think would be that the seeds just fell out when the plant dried up and died. I haven't been able to see those plants in flowering though..only after I stumble upon their dried corpses. I just don't think sensi can be possible with that many plants and the wind blowing up to 50mph every once in awhile.
  20. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?


    Well god damnit...the same critter really wanted my plant dead and he succeeded. I forgot to take my camera along so no pics, but he somehow dug and crawled under my cage and fuckin ravaged my plant...that was not a small plant either but he fuckin destroyed the shit out of it...I was pissed at first, but then remembered I have the same strain in sea of green formation, to harvest in a month. I'll snag some pics tonight.:bong2:

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