First time growing

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Recon, Apr 18, 2004.

  1. Recon

    Recon Guest

    My main source for weed grows all of it himself and he convienced me that its not as hard as i assumed it was. I just have a few question that i wasnt sure about. first of all, Is it better for me to use a 5 gallon bucket, or would digging a 1 to 2 foot hole and filling it back up with good soil be better? Also the strain of seeds I'm using are known for growing fairly tall, is there a way for me to make it bush out more then groing tall (I heard that when they get about 3 foot tall you can tie the top and bend it down to make it grow sideways) my plan was to only grow 1 plant but i want it to be a good one. but inorder to 100% get a female I'll have to plant several seeds, would it be safe to plant about 12 seeds in the 5 gallon bucket and then when I can tell their sex yank out all the males? or by the time you can sex them the roots will already be tangled up?
    thanx for your time.
  2. kennyde99

    kennyde99 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    your questions are to vague , skim thru the FAQ's . & do a search on some of your questions .

    to get u started though ,, ask your main for some tips .. &

    1 seed per pot .
  3. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

  4. HELL BOY 420

    HELL BOY 420 Full Flowering

    First off, I would recommend using Rapid Rooter Starter plugs in the center of a CoCo Block,works like a sponge and great for germination.Seacondly,when roots begin to show on the bottom of the blocks,I would then transplant them into a 3x3ft hole with 25% Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil,25%Fox Farms Planting mix,25%perlite,25%vermiculite.Before you transplant you have to have left this soil in the hole long enough so it has gotten rinsed with rain water in order for the soil to be ready for use.It has to be rinsed in order for the powdery mildew to drain out of the soil and to make it safe for transplants.
  5. Recon

    Recon Guest

    thanx for the advise hell boy, I ordered some Ocean Forest Soil today online, and I'm going to look around at a co-op or two to find the rest. I also heard about this stuff called #2 Grow mix. not sure what company makes it though. I also went ahead today and dug the holes, so asoon as I get the suplys I'm ready to go [​IMG] I also want to thank rangerdanger for that link, it told me everything I wanted to know [​IMG]

    (Edited by Recon at 6:43 pm on April 18, 2004)

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