Alaska brand? I used it diluted the 2nd week of germination and only on occasion for an N boost for deprived plants during flower.
Alaskan is cooked crap Hydrolized cold press is way better Alaskan cooks the fish oil out And by doing this they also cook all the enzymes too and check out the heavy metals I use Mega green concentrate farm catfish
If all you're using is fish emulsion I'd recommend you switch up to a fish/seaweed emulsion. Better all around nutrition for your plants. MtKing is right on with the cold press being better. Neptune's Harvest brand is all cold press. Costs more but it's well worth it. When to use? I start early and use it as a soil additive then begin watering with it around week 2. It's virtually impossible to burn with fish or seaweed emulsions so there should be little concern if you use as directed. You can use it well into least I do...but stop around 4 or 5 weeks prior to harvest and replace with a bloom fert.
fishy I am using Hydrolated fish (11-.25-1) @ 1 tablespoon per gallon. The dude at my local grow store said to use during veg or when the plants need some nitrogen. I have only started using it myself. So far the plants love it. One draw back is the smell....
Thing is MT that there's more to it than just NPK. That's why the suggestion of using a fish/seaweed extract. With a kelp or seaweed extract added you get a better representation of these additional nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B7, B12, D, E, K, Selenium, Folic Acid and Biotin, Iodine, Zinc, Boron, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Alginic acid, Sulphur, Sodium, Magnesium. And these additional plant hormones: Auxims, Cytokinins, Gibberellins. Like I said, better balance and more complete nutrition for your plants. Here's a few suppliers other than my current favorite of Neptune's. Any of the Drammatic line. I'll be trying these on a garden beginning in October. 1/2 the price of Neptune's with a more diverse line and still cold processed. If these are as good as they look Neptune's will be getting shit canned. Sea-Plus Liquid Seaweed/Fish Fertilizer Fertrell Liquid Fish & Kelp #3
Res is right Fish Is amino acids when I was using it as a base I would use thrive alive b1= kelp& b1 the supersoil has mostly what's needed for veg So back then the flower formula was fish, bat guano molasses thrive alive b1 protec and magi`cal then powdered bigbuds Was great result for first show