Hi, I seem to be having some troubles with my plants. I just started putting them into thier flowering stage with a 12/12 cycle, and changed the nutes from 6 tsp GH floragrow/4tsp GH floramicro/2 tsp GH flora bloom to 4,4,4 respectively. Plants are about a month and a half old. The leaves are starting to look weak, and I'm not sure why. Any advice would be appreciated.
if you've just put them into flower they could be lacking some last grow feed, try a dose of grow or 1/2 in 1/2.
Howdey, Blue Bic! When you go to 12's, the water/nute uptake makes a shift along with the rest of the plant changes going on. At first they may seem to use less, but as the flowering gets underway, they are using and needing more. This circumstance can upset the fert balance, or the pH. You really can't grow any plants according to a pat formula. Every set up, every climate, every genetic difference are variables which make for unique solutions. Only the clones of a mother you know well can possibly be grown by a pat formula, and even then, you may not be in control of all factors at all times , so testing, and backing off and testing again are always part of feeding and watering. Hydrdo is so fussy sometimes, I just couldn't get into it. My advice is to give your babies some fresh high O2 water for a day or two, and see how they look. First, test your solution for pH, t/a, ppm, and N-P-K concentration, in the interests of science. The earth girl says, "Firstaid for puny plants is to wash away poisons and give plenty of O2 at root level, and reduce stress. For severely distressed plants , also remove from direct light and breeze." , good luck, C U L8R! eg
blue, are the tip of the leaves burned? i use the gh g/m/b and have come to find that the suggested label feeding regimen is a little hot. do you have a ec or ppm meter to check it out for yourself?
I agree with doctorcalyx...i feel that you should use no more than 33% of the recommended dosage fer starters...and work your way up UNTIL it burns. I also agree very much with EarthGirl. Every Garden is Dynamically Diffrent! The Same goes fer your strains. Only thru trial & error(either intentionally or un-intentionally) may you successfully reach total Serendipity in your Garden!!! I've been growing fer 11 monthz in hydro. And no...i have not reached Serendipity in my own garden-but i get closer and closer with every harvest. How come i know? Becuz i alwayz outyield my previous harvest jus' 'bout Everytime! So yeah;i'd say Reaching Serendipity in Your Garden is Jus' only a matter of time and patience. Keep at it; and you'll definitely get there. Thank tha godz fer Growkind to help us all get there a little sooner than most! Shown above: My NFT organic hydro chamber. 6 4ft length flourotubes. It has over a dozen clones(mostly Shaman) and 10 seedlings(more potential Momz in the Making). I usually hafta wait at least 24hrs(thanx 2 Useless' posts) for my Microbial Population to Acclimate. Then i lower near a value of 5.2PH as possible. One thing about Organic Hydro is that is takes 3x more Ph Lower than your ordinary Chemical Nute Base Hydro Rezzy. I use a new product called,"Get Down"...which is supposedly better than General Hydroponics. Costs $25 per gallon. It'z a special combination of Concentrated Citric ;Phosphoric; and Ammonium Sulfuric Acidz i believe. A weird&scary combo; but my plants seem to love the stuff! Seems to be very stable as well. Get Down Ph Lower also provides extra phosphorous and nitrogen as well;which is nice. (Edited by ismoke2much at 1:01 am on Oct. 27, 2003)
Hey guys, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately i don't have a ppm meter, however they did seem to get a little better. The growth of the bottom is seeming to die off, but at the top I used the F.I.M. Method for trimming it, and it seems to be doing much better up top.
well after the first row or two they are fine, actually, they are doing great after that. I'm afraid I might have a hemaphrodite on my hands though. I see pistils in some places, and little round clusters where the stems branch off. I'm gonna post some pics later, to perhaps get some opinions on it. Thanks for the help Blue