what is going on with the search when i flush do i run it for 24 hours on just water with proper ph ? and how often? i was going to ask in the beginners forum but i like this one thanks
get outta here, dirt growing herb! yep, flush to hydro growers means clean water with no additives added and pH adjusted. maybe for a couple of days ... depends on whether you used chemical ferts or organic ferts. i use organic fert sparingly, so sometimes i don't need to flush at all if the water is pretty fresh.
i use "Supernatural" brand ferts, non-organic ****. I have to use Clearex salt leaching stuff every ressy change ( that's every two weeks) i let the clearex flow thru the system for 1 hr, then dump out the water and replace new ferts. work for me!!
Dung, try Flora-Kleen from G.H. Works way better than clearex. I used Clearex for over a year, and I liked it, but FK has it beat hands down. Wheelhorse, there are 2 kinds of flushes. 1) Every week to rinse the excess salts from the medium. Do this for 1 nights worth of watering. 2) The "harvest flush". This flush is to remove excess salts from the medium, but also to let the plant use up excess stored minerals. Usually anywhere from 4-14 days, depending on whether you use a salt leaching solution like Clearex or FloraKleen.