Hey Clarts - I've started my final flush on Saturday. Up until then, I noticed the ressy water getting funkier before the water change. On saturday it was downright foamy. Took the whole plant to the bathtub and washed out the rootmass under running water. Sunday I checked the ressy and the plain water had already clouded. Changed the water again and washed out the rootmass again. This morning it's got small bubbles already . . . Also I've noticed that usually my roots have that earthy, forest smell. What I'm smelling now is more of a putrid, chemically smell. Got a 10 gal ressy and a DWC system. I think my #1 problem was the water level was too high and it got the air roots wet. They didn't like that. I've seen some dark mushy spots on the lower roots so I know there's rot going on - they haven't been white since I added the MaxiCrop seaweed stuff so I didn't realize the roots really were brown. I've been adding H2O2 to the ressy and directly to the tops of the rootmass. Also, I misunderstood the flushing process and simply washed out the roots during the plant's lifecycle, never giving it an overnight flushing. My question is, what do you think caused this rot? Temps run around 75-80 degrees.
Root rot is typically caused by lack of O2 to the roots, or high ressy temps. Keep your ressy temps under 75 F. Also, dont pour the H2O2 directly on the roots, it'll burn em. Mix it into a solution of Ph balanced water. Use 5 drops per gallon of 35% food grade H2O2. If you are using organic nutes, the H2O2 is killing the bacteria, which is what is probably causing the foaming in your ressy. Hope that helps ya...
misti, I am just a There is an infinite wealth of info I have yet to learn bro. I just try and help when I can
Update: this root problem shortened the bud cycle so I ended up harvesting @ 6 weeks. Only trimmed off the buds in order to reveg this girl which I took out of the grow box to harvest and doctor while I made room for the clones in the old DWC ressy. BAD IDEA. I only washed out the ressy, didn't sanitize it. As soon as it got the slightest bit warm, instant mush on the roots. Obviously, I have some kind of bacteria in my ressy now, and I have to fight it off. The good news is the reveg mother is doing great after 3 days of H2O2 feedings. I can't find any 35% so I just use 10x more of the 3%.
Sterilize your ressy and table by adding in 1 tablespoon of 35% H2O2 per gallon. Let it run the system for about 20 mins, then drain the ressy and add your fressh water and nutes. ONLY RUN IT IN THE TABLE IF YOU CAN REMOVE THE PLANTS! Otherwise, you will fry your roots like corn dog at weinerschnitzel! If you can't remove the plants, after you let the ressy soak for 20 mins with the solution, drain it out, add fresh H2O, and 5 drops 35% H2O2 per gallon, run for 2-3 days and that'll clear up the root rot you are seeing if its from bacteria.
was it something I said? I had started a thread about FloraShield being too expensive and needing an alternative, but it's gone now. Not moved, but REmoved ... anyways, I found something made by Botanicare, makers of my favorite PureBlend Pro, it's called HydroGuard and it's an organic bacteria that promotes a healthy auquculture. This is good because I think FloraShield was a chemical fungicide. It's also 20x cheaper than FloraShield (a $13 quart of HG will make about 200 gallons, versus a $13 pint of FS makes about 13 gallons). I haven't given it the full on veg-test but I'll post back after I do and let you all know how it worked.
quitin we had a day were numerous threads came up missing. Webby checked into it and it seems a program at the new server that posts the most recent threads had some how removed some.He stopped the probem and it seems it's fixed. Don't feel bad i had a big thread on my outdoor crop that vanished...for good.
QT, maybe your paranoid. On the other hand, maybe there ARE out to get you. Have you seen 2 guys, 1 a bluto-looking guy and the other a tightly wound little package, waving a snake in the air yelling "CG lives" while the snake hisses "never trust a hippie"?