Forward looking infrared

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by SFC, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Having seen a couple of infrared veiwers for looking at wet areas on flat roofs I find it hard to believe that in the middle of the day MJ would look any different than the surrounding foliage, unless their were alot of plants concentrated together. It seems to me the only MJ they find from the air is the cornfield grows. At least in this part of the country that seems to be the case.Infrared shows heat signatures therefore when the sun is out and they are flying around You would think everything would show up hot, maybe there is a gain control or something on the unit though to make it more daytime friendly. Or is it more BS from the man. C'mon Ranger what say you ?
  2. xoxoxo Man

    xoxoxo Man Veggy Stage

    This is an old story from way back that the fuzz have some kind of machine that can distinguish MJ plants from others. Well my friend this is BS! I have used the FLIR that you speak of and know many cops that use it in the helicopters. The only use it has is to detect heat from growops. They most comonly find them in peoples attics and barns using FLIR. So if your plants are outside in amoungst desiduous trees I would only worry come fall when the only green plants left in the woods are your babies reakin O' bud!!
  3. SFC

    SFC Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    Hey Xoxo, That is exactly what i thought . But you know how it gets when you try ,and convince someone else that they are believing a lie. I knew that in the daylight the flir would be to overwhelmed by the rest of the foliage. Also last year when the pigs almost got me , the one idiot was hanging out of the chopper , that told me if they did have all that high tech **** it must not be very effective.

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