
Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by jr215, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie





    rasganjah likes this.
  2. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    :not-worthy:niiice...what strains you got?
  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    That's Vortex from TGA Subcool Seeds. It does look tasty indeed. Good amount of frostiness on those girls. Makes me excited to be growing her too. :passsit:
  4. Mrgreengenes

    Mrgreengenes Administrator

    Looks yummy. :redbong:
  5. Midnight Garden

    Midnight Garden Excommunicated

    What does it smell like JR?
  6. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    MG-It kind of smells like fruit salad and pepper. I'm not the best at describing smells. It's very fruity and spicy I guess. It the sativa (dom) I want to keep working with to really get right. This is my third time growing it. All in hydro. The next time will be in soil with Ras's organic tea recipe. This plant stretches about four times it's starting size under my 600 hps. Long internode spacing and very few leaves. The buds turn out in a triangular pyramid spear shape and the hairs go from bright white to orange almost over night. Fairly good producer if youre a grow for dough guy. I'm just a personal and select friends grower so its more about quality than quantity.

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