GH Hydrofarm

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by QuitinTarantincans, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. QuitinTarantincans

    QuitinTarantincans Developed Alternating Nodes

    Wassup smokers,

    A buddy of mine is growing a couple w. rhino clones in a General Hydroponics Hydrofarm. Currently he's in Veg mode using the 3-2-1 ratios. He's got the farm on a 1 hour on, 1 hour off cycle (it's a drip system). Well, things aren't going so well. First, the new growth leaves are yellowing, and the plant's stunted much like a Zinc def. I recommended lowering the pH. That didn't help, now the leaves are drooping and I don't know what to tell him. Without knowing exactly what to do with the HydroFarm someone loaned him, we figured the 1 on 1 off cycle would be cool. He gives them a little H2O2 in the water daily so I don't think it's a lack of O2, but it could be. This is only affecting the larger of the 2 plants.

    What's the correct way to run one of these HydroFarms? Is there anything you can think of that I've missed?
  2. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    a question for god i think quiting {USELESS} my main clart .............. SAFENESS...........
  3. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    the correct way to use the GH hydrofarm is to attach the airhose and let it run continuously.

    sounds like you have other problems, too, but this answers one of your questions. :wave:
  4. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:I still think it might be a nute lock-out problem due to the Ph being higher than 6.2!!!:shocked:

    :light:Have you tried setting your PH@5.3?:cheesy:

    :alien:I used to have the same exact growth yellowing...until i decided to keep my rezzy ph below 5.8.

    :light:I personally Only use R/O water...since las vegas Tap is So Horrible!

    To me, using R/O water is absolutely Fool-Proof...and that'z why i use it! So if r/0 water is cheap in your area...go for it!:cheesy:

    :alien:Leaves usually droop if there's not enough water circulation/aeration...

    ...have you tried changing the on/off cycle to every 30 minutes instead of every hour?

    :light:I don't know squat about ebb& if Useless decides to post...

    ...please listen to him Insead!!


    :sun:I use NFT; and my rootz are Alwayz Submerged. The roots are shiny white;yet the plants never droop.

    :light:I believer in an ebb&flo's the flo(drain) part that actually Aerates the Hell outta your Rezzy Solution!:cheesy:

    :sun:So i strongly believe that basically the more U make it Flood&Drain; the more aerated your Rezzy Water becomes. And the more oxygen dissolved in your rezzy water; the faster your plantz will transpire&grow.

    :light:Conclusion:i think you should set your On/Off cycle to Every 15 minutes; if your timer can go that low. If not then Every 30 minutes would be much better than every hr i guesstimate.

    :light:I'd like to hear what you hafta say Smurfy007...:cheesy:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 10:38 pm on Dec. 19, 2003)
  5. doctorcalyx

    doctorcalyx Full Flowering

    hey, i had the same problems with just about all my plants using the gh three part mix acording to the label. ever since i started using the lucas formula for gh i have had nothing but great results. check out this thread as it might help ya.
  6. trillions of atoms

    trillions of atoms Latae Sententiae Excommunication

    you need lower PH and i also believe your over watering.
  7. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    He should start off with a 15 minutes on, 1 hour off cycle. (Especially if he is using the drip ring). The droop is probably from over feeding them. Low Rh can contribute to this also. As they get bigger, increase the "on" time by 15 minute increments. Once large enough, you can keep the drip on for the entire lights on cycle. and run it once or twice during lights off. By large enough, I mean the root system should be exploding from the hydroton and growing into the solution.

    Lucas formula for the GH 3 part is exellent, the main difference being the fact that using the Lucas produces smaller leaves, better for SOG. The GH recommendation of 3-2-1 and then 1-2-3 produces larger leaf sets. When I used GH, I went with the 3-2-1 for veg, then 1-2-3 for the forst 2 weeks of flower. Then switch to a weak Lucas formula of 0-5-10 for 2 weeks, then on to the lucas 0-8-16 formula.

    (Please note, the GH 1-2-3 and 3-2-1 are ratios of each nutrient part in relationship to each other. The Lucas 0-8-16 is in milliliters per gallon.

    I also have a GH recommended feeding schedule, it differs somewhat from their 3-2-1, 1-2-3 ratio recommendations, and will post it when I can...

    Hope that helps.

    Misti, you are too kind punk. :wink:

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