Is it happening? With all the new laws now making cannabis legal for recreational use, what's happening in those states? Are people coming out from under their stones, blinking cobwebs away from their bushy eyebrows in the unfamiliar sunlight? Are there $150K jobs aplenty? Seriously, I've been "wasting" so much time perfecting my craft for 5 years now...I'd like to get paid (and not risk prison) for researching the temp that sulfur vaporizes :read2: and whether a lizard heater will reach that temp. :jj::roffl: Then there's Scarmazzo....
Good. Now I don't feel like I'm missing out quite so strongly. Back under your rocks, gentlemen. I wonder if the price of weed will drop precipitously? I also wonder what percentage of the black market has been replaced with white market - the regulated medical MMJ collectives and such - nationwide. I know Maine is quietly regulating a system that seems to be working? Colorado and California have taken a chunk. Soon Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Some of us on here know more about various states, but all told, I wonder how the national market will bear the shift from black to white? Its funny, part of what makes this hobby so fun is the knowledge that I can almost literally grow money on trees....even if I smoke all the money before it gets away!
Nah, people are already paying huge prices. They'll pay it, so it aint dropping. Like bottled water. There's no short supply of it, yet people pay HUGE mark-ups on it. Like 4000%. People will pay that price, so it going to drop. There's a "G" word involved here.
There isn't a definite chance, but a good possibility that I could end up in CO because of Lion's Lady's job (soon). If that happened my growing curve would be so low it would take me years of money to invest and make a profit. I know how to do it, I've shown that, but just like any other money making venture you got to have the resources to make the product. I have a feeling us marijuana moonshiners won't make it to the table on time. There will be some Sam Adams, but a lot more Red Oaks.
And THIS is the reason the Govt dont wanna have the industry nationally regulated.Can you imagine the founding fathers banning cultivation of a herb that has so many money making and health properties?No way. Same here in the UK,we went to war over hong kong purely as it was a lucrative stop off point in the opium market.Funny how times change:bong2:
I have that feeling as well. Us small-timers don't stand much of a chance without getting downright shrewd, but that's true of all business ventures. You have to be a bit cut-throat to make it amidst the bigger companies, who obviously have a hell of a head-start.
We growers are a smallish percentage of the population, and those who can really grow (like many here) are even more rare. It's a good analogy to compare us to moonshiners. But note that micro-brews and Popcorn Sutton do (did) OK sometimes. Seriously, even today there are moonshiners making money making 'shine, though the heyday was certainly during prohibition. You def. have a point that larger operations have a head start, but my feeling is there is an opportunity here somewhere, especially for a passionate cannabis cultivator like myself. The start-up costs are steep, but nothing like, say, the cost of a power plant if you want to get into the energy market. Point is, all new ventures have startup costs that can act as a barrier to entry into a market. Bottom line for me is I sense an opportunity. I spend all day thinking about my plants anyway....
My take on it is this. Growing isn't genius level shit. Any 2nd year botany student is going to be able to sling some pretty good weed if they put their mind to it. To make it in a large MMJ or now legit market you either need to be incredibly assertive to the point of being annoying while possessing the will to starve for your passion, have a novel marketing/product/manufacture concept that you own the rights to, or simply know someone. The real opportunities are going to be when the States topple one by one. Those of us in the first dozen will be each poised to seize the day if we so desire and have a little traction. But comin' in from outstate as a grower once the deed's been done? Uphill climb baby.
When did they make havin a tiny dick a requirement?:redbong: you guys decide when I can smoke a legal joint over there yet or have you all been too stoned celebrating and too busy scanning resume's?