This one just blew me away... State Republican representative Steven Katz Chair of the task force on drug addiction and crime, voted against both Medi and decrim. Got pulled over on the NY Thruway and popped for possession!!!!!! What a bunch of *&&^%%$$$
"as far as the medical marijuana element of this for intractable pain, or what have you, you have an answer for that already and truly you can get it if you truly need it." So.... from this he's saying he accepts, and is ok with selling on the streets? Apparently, since he's buying. What a fucking douchebag. I've been wondering when NY is going to get on the med bandwagon. It's a pretty liberal state. GTWT :XXhippylove:
His court date and time are posted in some articles. Would be funny to have a pro-pot rally, same Bat time, same Bat channel. I'm sure he's hoping for plausible deniability (it was my son's) but his spin doctors are already telling him it's too late for that one... He is a douchebag. Apparently at one time a criminal too. Oh but wait, that's par for the course for a politician.... JOB OPENING - Politician: Legislative Write some laws! Job duties include taking huge sums of money to vote for tax breaks for the corporations funding your "lobbyist" and FUCKING people's lives up for smoking weed whilst you toke away in your mistress's hotel room. Must be a true reprobate, but if you can stomach the gore, it's a great way to make a living.:321fu: