Grow Media

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by smokenmonkey, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. smokenmonkey

    smokenmonkey Guest

    I've been into hydro for about 2+ years (my memory is a bit spotty, imagine that!).I've been using clay and coco cubes. I started with rockwool but i noticed that it sends the ph up to fast, this is not a problem with coco. I haven't even used ph up/down since i started using it. so i was just curious what your favorite media was and why.
  2. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    I've use Shultz AquaSoil and HydroCorn/Clay Pellets.

    HydroCorn gives a far better Root Ball handz down!

    Never tried the Organic Coco Cubes/Medium yet though.

    The best thing about my hydrocorn is that it'z 100% re-usable. And that it floatz. I've been using the same hydrocorn fer over 10 monthz.
  3. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    I prefer the hydroton/hydrocorn/growrox whatever name you choose to call em. They work great, provide a fantastic air to water ratio, and as Ismoke said, you can reuse them almost forever.

    Also, rock wool is a good one too. If you had Ph problems you probably didn't pre-soak the cubes. Pre-soaking the cubes for 4-8 hours in a Ph balanced solution @ 4.5 PH will prevent the rise you mentioned.
  4. streakeruk

    streakeruk Full Flowering

    Quantum Hydro Pots. No medium, just liquid.

    I also use rockwool, holds it'self together and has given me good results, just drain and chuck the slab in the bin when it's over. True, soaking it in the bath is a pain in the rear!

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