Growing Ak-48 Outdoors....

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by WiZaRD, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm going to be putting some Ak-48 clones I just cut today outside on April 14. Given it takes the avg 10 days to shoot roots out the rockwool, they will be in pots vegging for ~1 month before I transplant them outside.

    With that being said, my area will have more than 12 hours of light until the first of August.

    I know many people have grown Ak47/48, so I don't feel like this is a question you guys can't answer.

    The temperatures WILL get up to the mid 90's mid july.
    I will be planting the plants in 5 gal size holes filled with FFOC, when they show signs of needing nutes, I'll water them with 6.2-6.7 ph botanicare.

    If they have 5+ months of outdoor veg, would expecting 150g per plant dried reasonable?(i like to underestimate)

    I've never ACTUALLY gotten the full 5 months of possible veg time in before.

    I'm not expecting the max yield with the really high temps [it makes the buds airy].

    I'm going to be doing 10 ak-48 clones, any input will be greatly appreciated.
  2. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    plant 20 and hope for 5, use fishing line for deer or common animal paths or just for curious things in general, string it up, over and thru whatever you can. try not to make a path to the site, take a few differant ways into your area. Watch your heighth also, prune if neccessary to keep them lower than the surrounding bush. good luck

    P.S. you should get way more than 150grams of dry weight off an outdoor plant bro, I have done a few outdoor grows and tend to get anywhere from 10oz to 20oz per plant.
  3. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    I think you should blow the fuck out of 150 g's. With 6 months of veg, and a nice producer like the AK, I'd be thinking at around a lb a plant. Provided they are able to finish flowering. I've never grown AK outdoors, only indoors, but it has always been a heavy yeilder for me. The few plants I do throw outdoor, get planted in mid-march after 6 to 8 weeks of veg, and I've rarely gotten less than a lb per plant dried. The temps here stay high 90's all summer, but the humidity stay's pretty high too. I'd consider going bigger than 5 gallons on the holes though.
  4. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Thanks man.

    I have done it outdoors twice. Once in the ground with dug holes (but put them out way late{blueberry}), once with a White Russian Hempy. The spot is very secure, and I will have no problem concealing it. The path is not a concern, it's on 12 acres of private property with the closest neighbors being .5 miles away and the one that is the closest smokes bud, the other is 77 years old with a wife with Alzheimers. Thx for the tips though.
  5. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Cool, the humidity where these are going to be is going to be very high (gulf coast). Since I no longer live in that area, I have my family member tending to them[unless I'm visiting, which is very often]. I guess I'm going to dig a hole for each that is 18"x18", then fill with good soil. The soil in the area is very rich anyway, so if the roots surpass the holes it's not like they'll be starved.

    It's hard for me to expect 1lb, I just don't see it. then again I've never had a full term outdoor grow before. I do however expect upwards of 80% of my plants to go all the way to the end. If they are going to get that big, I might only plant 8. If I only get 2 that live, that's plenty.

    I'm going to figure 225g per plant dried.
  6. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    lol..dont be a wimp! do 20! mmmmmmmmmmm or 30 or 40! OVERGROW THE GULF!!!!!
  7. TheCarpenter

    TheCarpenter member

    I've had great outdoor grows using the soil that was present, I just dug up about a square yard, 2 ft deep and cleared out all of the roots and rocks. FFOF will work great. Trust me when I say that an outdoor plant with that much veg time can become a monster.
  8. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    That's what I want to hear.
  9. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    If they go to full term than the last 2 weeks is where you get the most weight added on. THis I did not see cause my outdoor grow was cut short due to mold, caused by heat and humidity. But if they didn't get mold I was looking at 10 oz a plant. I keep on telling myself that this yr will be better.

  10. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I've grew AK-48 inside & it a kill smoke with rock hard buds wish I had a spot out side for a couple Good Luck-Bud
  11. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    Growing Up On The 53rd- West Coast- U.K- Ak47 X KalX


    For Most of My Outdoor Endeavours I Grew Outdoors On The 49th-50th Parralel , Of The West Coast of Canada, And Grew Outdoors , Weather Permitting Until As Late As Late November ! ( I'll Save The Story For Another Day , But Great Attention Daily Had To Be Exerted). :passit:

    In 2007 I Grew Some Serious Seeds Ak47 X KalX , Which I'm Sure Have Some Similar Genetics.

    Being Limited Nowadays To What And How I Grow Never Stop Me From Each Year Growing Several Specimen Plants , Some Of Which I Was Fortuneate To Test For Iconic Breeders Before They Released Them For Sale To The Public, Sweetooth 1.1 And Sweet Blue Being But Two:wink:

    Anyways , I Had Them In 11 Litre Wilma Buckets , And Had Them Outside In Late March Under A Small Easy To Make Polytunnel, On Trays , And Brought Them In Every Night When Dark

    In Canada I Would Plant Out ( And Leave ) My Plants On May Day , Every Year, In Pre Prepared Holes ( Nettlebeds And Baby Alder Patches Are Primo)

    Finding A Tree Blown Down By The Winter Storms And The Crater Its Left , Conditioning That Soil Better Than Any Human Built Rototiller:thumbsup:

    And Creating A Sub Climate Protecting Young Plantlet from Windchill Whilst Establishing Itself / Themselves :wink:

    The Worst Crop I Ever Had Was When I Used Monsanto Time Release Fertiliser ; Don't Go There , I Implore You

    Instead , Tried And True Alaska Fish Fertiliser , And Alaska Morebloom And Some Bloodmeal ( Or Off The Shelf Booster ) Is Plenty

    Nowadays I Use 65 Litre Growtubs ( Rigid ) With Rope Handles

    Everything Moves Around Easily, My Back is Truly Knackered

    I Stick My Plants Out Over Here In Mid May , 21st At The Latest

    To Get A Very Low Profile Plant I Practice Bending , Or Snapping . It's A Techniique Which has Many Names , But It Works Well And I Bend , Which Opens Up New Sites making For More Buds:wink:

    It Also Opens Up The Canopy To Better Airflow And Less Chance For Any Mould

    By July I'll Have A Nice Canopy And Lots Of Budsites, And It's At This Time I Put Plants In Purposly Darkened garden Shed At 8.00 P.M , Not To Be Reintroduced ( In The Shade For At Least 30 Minutes ) To Daylight

    I Force Flower Almost All My Plants , And Get Crops Usually End Of September / Early October , Before The Sharp Frosts have Kicked In .

    My Ak47 Cross Did Endure A Sharp Frost Or Two , But That Only Turned It Purple :thumbsup:, And It Was Totally Frosty With Bursting Trichomes

    I Harvested It , And Realised 3/4 Of A Pound , Dry

    I Used Mollases , Bio Bizz Alga Mic , Cannazym , And PK13-14

    I Get Away With Several Varieties Each Year And Bought The 8x10 Garden Shed Especially For Force Flowering

    Technically If I Decided To , I Could Harvest 80% Of The Plant And Just Stick It Back Outside If The Weather permitted And Get An Incresed Harvest of Lower THC / Higher CBN Herb, Which Has More Of A Sedative Effect

    Indoors I Grow Many Plants Without Giving them Much Veg Time

    A Lot Of Times i grow Clones For Maybe Four- Five Days Before Putting Them Into 12/12 And Immediate Flower ( SOG )

    The Buds Of The AK Really Needed Supporting With Bamboos And Wire , And I Removed All The Fan Leaves A Week Before I Harvested It

    I Found It To Be Very Resistant To Mould

    Other Strains I Grew Alongside Did Get A Bit of Mould , But Due To Daily Attention Were kept In Check , Which The AK Cross Did Not Need Protecting

    All That Needed Attention Was The Brittleness Of The " Knuckles " Created By The bending technique

    So As The Buds Fattened And Put On Weight ,Great Care Must Be Thought On Stresspoints

    There, Off To Smoke Another

    I Have Some Images I Need To Resize Chronicling The Grow

    Hope This helps

  12. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    WiZaRD- what state are you in? I'm in FL and I feel we may have the same enviornmental hurdles

    JKP-Very informative! What's the reasoning behind removing fan leaves one week before harvest?
  13. WiZaRD

    WiZaRD Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    The grow will be in AL, South AL. I will visit often to check on them. Yes we have the same climate issues.
  14. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    True, my major prob here is mold and the shitty native soil which is damn near beach sand. I have found some promising/proven high n dry places though. As far as soil I think I may use your route of bringing my own. Amending this soil just doesn't cut it being that it's infested with nematodes and such. Will be checking this thread out :bongin:
  15. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower


    Botrytis , or Grey Mould Is Very Risky To Catch If You Do Not Pay Daily attention To Your Plants , And Can Actually Ruin A Six Footer In 48 Hours Turning It Into A Brown Slime

    However You Can Use Products Like ROTSTOP Which Forces The Mouldspores To Germinate And Then Die

    Mould Is The Reason I Remove The Leaves

    Rotstop Is Available From Or

  16. DaBurner420

    DaBurner420 This Line For Rent.

    ...and I've had my share of 6' slime balls. Thanks for the advice, got to check out that rotstop.

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