growing in buckets outside

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by ropingoats, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. ropingoats

    ropingoats Germinated

    I am growing 3 plants outside in buckets that are now starting to flower, I am a little concerned that the buckets are to small and restricting growth. is it to late to transplant into larger pots or even into the ground? they are fairly large... any ideas?
  2. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    transplant them right now and they'll be fine, just don't wait till they are in full flower :wink: I would transplant them into the ground, unless you plan in moving them around
  3. major

    major Begun Flowering

    just cut the bottom of the buckets and let them grow in to the soil, the biggest bucket available:passit:
  4. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    My first grow was outside in 3 and 4 gal buckets. I did it for quick movement incase anyone came over. I found myself watering everyday. Which was not a problem but got tiring fast. I went to the next step; plant the whole bucket in the ground to stop the sun cooking the buckets and drying up all the water.

    It helped a bit but if I ever have plant outdoors again it will be right in mother earth.

    And people are right if you are going to transplant DO IT NOW! Don't respond to this forum until you have it is important. When you do take a razor blade and scrape down the roots around the root ball when you take her out of the bucket. It will encourge the roots to "take better root". Although it might slow or stop the flower growth so be aware. Don't think something is wrong with the plant it is only converting energy from flower to the roots.

    Good luck man. :smile:

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