Im planning on growing some purple passion outdoors in containers using soil as medium.I have read that every so often you have to flush out containers with water to prevent nutrient build often should this be done??and is this bad for the plant because you are overwatering it?And can anyone tell me the best soil to use that is easily availabe.Will ordinary potting compost do, mixed with abit of vermiculite?
Generally speaking, you want to add 20--25% perlite to whatever potting soil you use. The best soil imo is Fox Farms Ocean and Forest. 2nd best is Black Gold potting soil. Both of the include lots of organic goodies such as worm castings, kelp and other amendments & nutrients. If you don't overdo it, you won't need to flush nutrients out of container soil until flowering starts (around 09/01, when you switch over to a flowering nutrient)although it won't hurt to do it occasionally. You must have good drainage. If you're using a plastic container make sure there are lots of holes in the sides near the bottom. Fill the bottom of the container with perlite or small stones to keep the soil from becoming compacted at the bottom of the container. Size: the bigger the better. Min. 5 gal. but that will restrict growth. Ideal is about 12 gal. Better than converting an empty container like a bucket is to buy a product called pulp pots. They are corregated recycled cardborad and come in many sizes. The advantage of these is they are porous, allowing the soil to 'breathe' and also helps prevent overwatering. One problem with container growing is that pot needs lots of sun. The containers will heat up and that's bad for the roots. I have piled brush up around the containers to help prevent this. One problem with growing in containers (especially plastic ones) is that certain animals like bears and coyotes associate conatiners with food (i.e. trash cans). The will often tip them over to dig through them. For additional tips on outdoor growing, see my post Guerilla Growing on page 4 of FAQ. (Edited by rangerdanger at 3:19 am on Mar. 29, 2004)