growing in my woods

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by andy007, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. andy007

    andy007 Guest

    I have a set of huge woods that are pretty much abandoned all the time. I wanted to plant some plants to grow this upcoming summer. Has anyone ever grown in woods before successfully? I need some advice. H-E-L-P. I live in PA by the way.
  2. Kevin Kush

    Kevin Kush Guest


    If you've done your research in the department of cannabis, you will have a head start. If not .. well the grow season is still fairly far away, get to it !

    Outdoor growing is "easier" than indoor.. No ventilation, no power bills etc. But, you do face the Law mainly And pests.. That could be, deer, rabbits or the ass who stumbles across your plot and steals it pre-mature.

    I suggest narrowing your questions down .. what are things you need to know? and majority of those things are found out through research!

    Here is a good start...

    Get some GOOD seeds.. no sence in wasting time in some shwaggity shwag bud.
  3. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    Has anyone ever grown in woods before successfully?

    .....well, you are in the right forum. Clicking a few threads should answer that more
    Then come back with specific questions and someone will be sure 'n help you out.

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