Nah, just jokin', it's free. I made this for all you lolly gaggers who are unorganized and need a cool calendar like this one to keep track of those fertilizing dates and watering days, as well as starting/ending flowerin days. I hope the webby gives this calendar a thumbs up...I kinda used his logo and I hope it's up to par . (Edited by Ice at 7:49 pm on April 21, 2003)
Update This is just for you Greenthumb and CG. Thanks for the postive feedback...took me forever to get it the way I wanted. I present: the month of May.
hmm maybe I missed something here but why does encrypting my browse make the pics appear? I've never really browsed encrypted before. Didn't think I'd ever use it. I guess I'll have to if it means I want to see pics !
Not all pics are that way Clay...Pics hosted on GK appear's the ones that are hosted at Overgrow that can't be seen without browsing encrypted. Why it works that way I am not sure though.
It's because OG has blocked remote linking from http://growkind and nhas not blocked https://growkind
They blocked remote linking from us? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard! How juvenile! What are they, afraid we're gonna steal their pics? A wee bit paranoid? Or maybe just a little ashamed because theirs is only a GROWKINDWANNABE site!