Guess it was worth a try..

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Towelieee, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Well after looking at this shit grow every year and all over the place I decided to try to make some hash. I made a small batch this morning and it came out better than I expected. Doesn't blow your mind like the previous hash I have made but it still gives you an enjoyable stone. Here are some pics. Most of this shit just grows in ditches and shit but the samples I took are from secluded places where it stays undisturbed from humans.:smokin: :smokin: It has a slightly different odor but really looks like quality product. :icon_scratch:

  2. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    man thats so beautiful that it grows like that:passit:
  3. nobogart

    nobogart Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    alright ditchweed hash free is cool and since you are just extracting trichs who care, wonder how much plant material did that amout require?:passit:
  4. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Well I just grabbed about a half 5 gallon bucket full to start with. Just grabbed the stem and pulled...most fan leaves have died and fallen off these. Like I said before this bullshit in no way is even comparable to good indoor or other good genetics grown outdoors. This stuff is just landrace crap that is nothing but seeds. You can definitely see alot of variation in different area. Range from 2 to 12+ feet. The thing is sometimes these patches are fuckin huge and you could spend all day picking this shit if you wanted to. I'm not going ot get greedy by any means, but I had always wanted to try the hash and see for myself. I wish I had an easy way to test the thc, cbd, and other contents of this hash.
  5. skunkrnaught

    skunkrnaught Flying magic hemp carpet

    :wink: Alright I'm fuckiing jelous why cant some wild shit like that grow around here. I'm down with the free ditch weed hash.:animbong:
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    I'd love to see a full smoke report for your DW hash. If it were growing wild like that around my place I'd be making hash all the time.

  7. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest


    yea!! Let us know if it is good!! That shit growing looks like nebraska no high. I lived there once it grew everywhere but you could smoke it all day and not get a buzz. I was told it was a rope variety and had little thc.

    Keep us informed.

  8. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion

    ditch weed

    im glad it dont grow like that here...i dont want a bunch of seeds on al the hard work i put into my outdoor:roulette:

    but hell yes anytime you dont spend cash for hash its worth it
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    The stuff I've found in MN growing wild has no trichome development. Ive smoked it and nothing. If you have some local shit with a few trichs it makes sense to try and hash some.

    Got that smoke report?
  10. smokin_75

    smokin_75 loving it up in smoke...

    ILLINOIS hemp (wild)

    It grows where I live along farmers fence rows and along the edges of farm fields. Thanks to "Hemp for Victory" from one of the World Wars. It doesn't really get you high like you would want, but there is a buzz of sorts. Like if you cure it, a whole cigar of it to yourself will leave you slightly buzzing for a 1/2 hour. I wish I had known how to make hash oil 15 years ago. I haven't picked the stuff in 15 years, but as a "kid" it was alright:laughing1:
  11. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Like I said before it does give you a stone but not much at all. The thing is my only comparison is hash that I have made in the past which was dank shit.

    The taste isn't the same as good can definitely tell a difference, it is harsher than the other stuff I have tried and it doesn't melt like I was hoping it would. Other than that though, my supply right now is I figured what the hell... I picked a couple lbs. yesterday so I'm going to finish makin that tonight just for the hell of it.

    I would never recommend anyone to smoke the buds..but for a little hash it was well worth the minimal effort. I smoked over a gram of hash yesterday just to see if I could get a headache...I didn't receive anything other than a big shit eatin grin on my face. I'm hoping I have enough hash to practice rolling a couple of these hash joints I have seen floating around on the internet.:smokin: :smokin:
  12. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    Pretty cool project. I would love to play around and make some. Sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing.
  13. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Now where did you say you lived?? HaHaHa Man I'd be making buckets of free hash Rock on-Bud
  14. Towelieee

    Towelieee you wanna get high?

    Central US. To be honest though...If I could snap my finger and make all this shit disappear and never come back, I would. I have so many areas I could use to grow with no worries and finally get this shit out of my house.. Unfortunately I love til then I'm just gonna have to stick to indoors.:smokin: :smokin:

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