
Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by chopstick, Sep 1, 2003.

  1. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    I've been doing some reading on what I should be adding to my ressy to keep things in check. I remembered something about H2O2, I think it might have been Useless who mentioned it before, so I went and did some reading. Although the info I found mentioned H2O2 prevented root rot, raised Oxygen levels, suppressed algae growth and generally kept both plants and roots healthy. It also said it would degrade any organic matter present during the process. They did say that high concentrations of H2O2 can be detrimental to organic additives (such as beneficial additives) and organic nutrient mixtures. Does this mean then, that using H2O2 in conjunction with an Organic based fert, even at recommended levels, wont work?
    Interested so see what you guys think.
  2. hydro convert

    hydro convert Developed Alternating Nodes

    Basically what it boils down to Chop, is you have to keep an eye on the pH. When H2O2 breaks down it goes to H20+O then can further breakdown to OH + (o2 or ?). It will cause the pH to fluctuate, then stabilize, then dive. At the point it dives should be about time to change the rezzy(roughly 2 weeks). You can manipulate after that to maintain, but its often easier to change.
  3. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Choppy, H2O2 goes through its chemical reactions to become inert in a about 1 hour. Using 5 drops/ gallon of 35% (food grade) H202, I have found no problems adding in orgnic ferts after 1 hour.

    Typically, I perform the following:

    During nutrient ressy changes, I fill the ressy with tapp water, add 5 drops of H2O2 (35% food grade) per gallon, ph adjust, and run for one nights feeding in my ebb 'n flow tables.

    I then add nutes to the ressy the following day. Ph adjust to 5.2,and run it. Maintain Ph levels between 5.2 - 6.0.

    So, if you are changing the ressy, just wait for at least an hour to let the H2O2 go through its chemical reaction prior to adding ny nutes. After that, its not an issue.

    Also note, for developing an organic hyrdroponic micro-bacteria bio-sphere (such as using Meta Naturals) you shouldn't adjust Ph for at least 3 weeks, despite any trouble symptoms you see on the plants. In such a case the bacterial microbes will balance things out on there own, but it takes time for the microbial colonies to populate.

    For my bubblers which are 100% organic bat guano teas, I use H2O2 in plain water for 24 hours, then add the nutes at each ressy change. FLushes the roots, promotes root growth, and cleans the disinfects the ressy and medium...

    Just what I do...
  4. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    Thanks for feedback Joint, that puts to rest a couple issues, much appriciated. I think the article also mentioned topping off the H2O2 with more H2O2 every day, but if you both don't bother then that's much simpler.

    Useless, I have Pureblend Pro at the moment. Will leaving it for 3 weeks allow microbes to develop, or does this process only favour certain types of organic nutes like the Meta?

    Also, in your bubblers, are you using the same process as your Ebb and Flow table (allowing the H2O2 to complete it's chemical reaction before adding nutrients) or are you only running the H2O2 water mix for 24hrs, then changing the entire ressy and adding your guano tea without H2O2. I didn't quite understand what you meant by "add nutes at each ressy change", sorry, just wanted to clarify.

    Thanks for all the help again, I'm finding out just how much is involved in dialing in a hydro setup, it's all very cool.

    (Edited by chopstick at 3:02 pm on Sep. 2, 2003)
  5. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    CHoppy, adjust Ph after 2 days for botanicare. The Meta naturals is the only nutrient I know of that takes 3 weeks to create its bio-sphere.

    For the bubblers, I do the same as my E n F tables.

    After I dump the old solution, I run water and H2O2 overnight, then the following day I add in the nutes to same solution. No need to change it out again.

    Wait two days and adjust Ph.

  6. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :light:I jus wanted to let u guyz know that i've been PMin' the Hell outta Useless these past few Weekz...

    ...the best thing i could have done on my Bio-Dynamic Garden!!!

    :affro:Useless reminds me of an Honest Auto Mechanic; in which he gives the best advice to maintain and tune-up/improve the performance your  Vehicle(garden)!!!

    :viking:Useless got mad skillz...i mean, i decided to stop giving advice myself...instead-i like to take advice from now on...if u haven't noticed....)

    Probably the best advice i recieved from Useless was the Ph issue! He was right. Hydro demandz it'z PH to be close to 5.2 as Possible! I even accidently lowered it to 4.5PH...and my cannabis thrived!! Incredible!

    :light:This is what i Use to do:

    1)Initially lower to only 5.8PH

    2)Allow ph to rise to 6.5ph

    3)I had to re-lower every 3-4 dayz back to 5.8ph; which was a pain in da ass.

    The Hydro Ph advice Useless gave i shall repeat now:

    1)Initially lower your PH rezzy down to 5.2PH

    2)Allow the Ph to naturally rise from then on

    3)Never allow your rezzy Ph get past 6.0 PH. Lower back to 5.2Ph.

    Conclusion: He makes Rezzies so simply to maintain! Usin his advice...i have gone long as 10 dayz without the need for re-lowerin my ph! Incredible.



    (Edited by hellostupid at 9:00 pm on Sep. 3, 2003)
  7. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    2 days, got it, thanks. So for those 2 days then, my plants will be ok running on a solution that hasn't been adjusted I assume.
  8. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Yes, they'll be fine. You might notice some slight yellowing on the new growth at the end of day 2, but within one day of adjusting the Ph the yellow goes away and turns into bright green healthy, luscious growth.
  9. chopstick

    chopstick Chilled out

    Cheers mate :wink:

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