
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mamafingers, Mar 19, 2003.

  1. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    lmao, omg.. i read this and almost fell out of my chair, after reading a thread before on i belive this site, about "Freedom fries" and all that other nonsence, rofl France-1 USA-0,TKO
  2. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  3. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    i dont see whats so funny about it. the french are fuckin stupid i swear. oui oui on thier head. they always have to retaliate or try and top us. The only thing the french have done for me is 1 got me drunk, 2 given me assurance that good jokes will continue to come out.

    Jock Schtrap, you are one ugly dude.

    Agrow the great generalizer never optimizer.
  4. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    When people here are so stupid and petty to try to raise more propaganda, calling french fries, and french toast, etc "freedom <insert whatever product is>" thier straight retarded, and its hillarious for them to kick dirt back in thier faces, with sending pretzels to bush, thats one of the best jokes ive heard ina long time, haha.. what a goof.. i just hope they send a note telling him to chew slowly before swallowing, or they might send the cia to secretly murder and maime them and thier familys
  5. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    The French will never get a $ of mine. I won't stop eatin french fries, but I will not ever again but a Fench wine or anything else those ungrateful cowards sell. Their a bunch of white flag wavin' cowards. Peace all!

  6. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    If it wasnt for those ungratful cowards, we wouldnt have the united states...both countrys have saved each others asses in the past, we have more times, yes.. but so what? thats like saying, your friend helps you, cuz your getin your ass kicked, and then you get his back and save him from a beat down two times, you dont bitch and whine about it, if your his friend.. people dont have to agree with every single thing you do/say, thats kinda dumb to think that, thats the type of thoughts that are the glue that held/holds together organizations like the KKK,Black panther,Nazis,the USSR, etc
  7. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Why that looks like they are trying to assasinate our precious prez!

    (Edited by THCdude at 2:10 pm on Mar. 20, 2003)
  8. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Even more reason to drop a MOAB(Mother of All Boycotts) on France!
  9. PoSt HiPnOtIc

    PoSt HiPnOtIc A Fat Sticky Bud

    it said he 'gagged' on it,,, lol
  10. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    French fries aren't even French, for God's sake.
  11. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    They better send peace pretzels, they haven't won a significant battle since the days of napolean.....lol rocky, you got it right, white flag waving weasels, wont even fight for their own country, rather jsut call on us to save their ass--twice-- only to bust our nuts at every turn, --but they did help us in the beginning!!!
  12. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Hey Franco-phobes, where the **** do you think we got the Statue Of Liberty, K-mart? Stupid.

    A country that wants to give peace a chance. And all you whiney-asses can't stand it.

    Have a nice time at your Beatle/bookburning bonfire.
  13. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Not here too! UGH!! Peace all!

  14. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    For all of you fuzzy on history, since 1941 France has surrendered the same amount of times the U.S. has: once (both Vietnam).
  15. The Dawg

    The Dawg Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Mamafingers what you say is so true,I never thought of it like that.

    ranger "A country that wants to give peace a chance"we all know its about their business ties with Iraq and not peace.

    But I would forgive a friend if he didnt back me up in a fight I was gonsa start because he would stand to lose a fortune.
  16. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Freedom Fries, thats the dumbest bunch of **** that i've ever heard. listen, the rest of the world doesn't wanna go to war, so why is it so bad if France doesn't? i'm not up on history anymore but wasn't it France that helped us out during the revolution? don't get me wrong, i don't like the French, i grew up about 30 minutes from the border and they ARE assholes, but thats got nothing to do with it.
  17. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    hey it's like Bush said.. "Are you with us, or are you with the terrorists?"

    some people are taking that to a new level.
  18. 67ranchero

    67ranchero Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Ranger, you said the French surrendered once since WWII and cited the war in French Indochina. Once again you are wrong. You forgot the famous French defeat in Algiers in the 1950's which was much worse for the French than the Indochina war. And since french fries and french toast both have nothing to do with France, I guess people can call them whatever they like. Although I'm sure there is probably some halfwit out there who thinks he's boycotting French products by ordering onion rings instead of french fries and having fried eggs instead of french toast. As for the pretzels, never mind Dubya, send them to me, I like pretzels and I kinda got the munchies right now.
  19. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    #Moderation Mode

    isnt this political bs?

    Moved here
  20. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***


    I don't have an oil contract with Iraq and I'm against the war.

    Most of mt friends are anti-war, and they don't have oil contracts with Iraq either.

    In fact, the majority of the world is against the war and the majority of the world doesn't have oil contracts with Iraq.

    The fact is, if France hadn't help us during the revolutionary war (remember Lafayette?), the U.S. probably would have lost.

    Franco-phobia reached new lows last week when a politician suggested digging up the bones of U.S. servicemen who are buried in France and shipping them back to the U.S.

    Any day now I am expecting the same half-wits to boycott

    Chef Boy-ar-dee products.

    Yesterday I read a story in the L.A. Times about arson at a dry cleaners called French Cleaners.

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