
Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Weeda808, Mar 30, 2004.

  1. Weeda808

    Weeda808 New Sprout

    When Should I start seedlings here? sumemr is coming up yo
  2. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    hell man, in HA you should be growin' 365. But for a summer grow, my guesse would be right now!! The sooner they get started, the more veg time they have, the larger the yeild this fall.

    Are you going to grow "local" strains?..or something from a seedbank?..I'd love to get hands on some true Hawaiian genetics.
  3. Weeda808

    Weeda808 New Sprout

    Yeah Ill gues so i gotta get my hands on some seeds tho asap
  4. OutDoorGrower

    OutDoorGrower Germinated

    Yha dude start right now! Pe@ce
  5. Weeda808

    Weeda808 New Sprout

    **** I saw an helicopter fly over my plant here it was cop copter i think.... wat do you think will happen?
  6. adfaFd

    adfaFd Begun Flowering

    i saw a show on mtv about marijuana growing in hawaii. they went along with the people that go around in helicopters looking for plants to erradicate. they said that there are so many outdoor plantations in hawaii that they just try to find as many as they can and chop them down without even going after the grower.
  7. Weeda808

    Weeda808 New Sprout

    ouch that would just sucks....
  8. adfaFd

    adfaFd Begun Flowering

    uh yeah i guess losing your plants sucks, but it sure as hell isn't as bad as sitting in jail and being a convicted felon for the rest of your life
  9. Weeda808

    Weeda808 New Sprout

    Yeah i guess so LOL

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