was looking forward to posting some pics of my finished crop but ran into the local R.C.M.P just as they were leaving with 35 of my beautys.lucky for me they were not really interested in who grew them and sent me on my way.next year I'll be planting a little farther in the woods.assholes took my winter supply,in turn putting more money into the local drug trade cause now I gotta go buy some.
Ya that sucks man, i remember one time i went to my plants only to find a stake in the ground with the card of the detective that snared em. But be grateful they did not catch you red handed, sounds like you came real close.
guerilla grows used to grow out in the woods but found the river bottoms gave better cover any way they found them the years in a row...till i found thelast spot right under thier noses at the end of the locaair strip they landed thier plane & chopper there.. 5 years in a row then thry topped the trees and a local logging company found them igave up and got a card no more dissapointing loss at the last few weeks :bong2: assit: :fly: inow how it feels but now i can spend the time giving TLC
how far off the road were your plants? did they spot them via Heli? or did they get a tip?....I'm getting nervous as harvest time nears my dad's waiting on his medi license but I'm sure the RCMP could care less they would destroy the plants first then ask questions later.....I would be furious! all that hard work to provide my dad with a medical supply gone! oh man I would be distraught....
the woods hunters found the ones in the woods & the air port weed the liggers cut the trees tops next to them it was 100 foot off the hwy out of sihgt no place to pull off for a half miles :bong2: assit: :fly:
I had some quite a ways from the main bunch,in fact almost hidden so I think they knew where to look,which means someone was checking out my crop and then reported where every single plant was.
That sucks that they got your crop,mccrob but you might wanna thank the asshole that made you an hour late that day.:eusa_pray: