Height Difference in my Veg'ing Plants?

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by JustAGuy, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Germinating

    I've been Vegging for 5 weeks now and I got 6 plants going....

    2 of them are over a 1 foot tall, 2 of them just under a foot, and 2 of them are tiny around 7 inches tall. I move them around periodically and keep the light about 1 inch from the plants. They all came from the same fem'ed seeds and fed the exact same stuff.

    Why is there such a difference? Should I start flowering them? I do have the smaller ones on some cardboard so the tops of all 6 plants are even under the light...
  2. chof

    chof Germinating

    what size light do you have, some plants grow slower its genetics, not everything is in alignmentwait until they are about 18 inches to flower
  3. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Germinating

    One 4 foot Floro w/ two bulbs, one soft white and one warm white. All 6 plants fit perfectly under it length-wise.
  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    You're going to need more light than that. It will work for young seedlings but they will quickly need more intensity as they grow taller.

    As for the varying height. It is probably just genetic differences in each seed. Not every plant grown from seed will display identical growth characteristics. Just as with animals and humans not every single offspring from a particular pair of parents will resemble one another. It's more than likely just genetic diversity.
  5. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Germinating

    I have a 400W HPS to flower with. When I decide to start flowering, how far should the light be from the plants? 18 inches or so?
  6. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    Man im not an expert....but it depends on container size...strain...

    and proximity to the sweet spot of your light set up.

    With no more to go on i suggest staggering your grow.

    Put the biggest plant to the out side and raise up the small ones with bricks or something to make it uniform.....or you could go with the stadium effect....one higher than another as you move away from the light.

    Im wasted hope this makes sense:alien11:

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    they could use some more light while vegging. and like others mentioned comming from seed you won't have the uniform size that you would if they were clones from the same plant. and make sure the containers plenty big, the bigger the better.

    peace CG
  8. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Germinating

    Thanks for the replies, I'm new so they all help me :)

    Toker - I got what you were saying.

    Thanks Gardener, the pots are 3+ gallons.

    My grow isn't in my house so I can't constantly monitor it, so I don't know how close to put the light, I've heard 18 inches....

    CREATIVE GARDENER Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    3 gal pots should do fine. as far as distance from the light source a few inches from the vegging flows should be ok. the closer the better. but the heat from the hps is a possible problem if they get too close. if the hood is vented and air cooled you can get by with just a few inches. if not, then the 18 inch rule is probly ok. a little test is to hold your hand at various distances from the light to give you an idea of the heat a each distance. if it's hot to you then it's probly too hot for your girls.

    good luck.

    peace, CG
  10. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    The two tallest ones are likely to be males. Ive noticed every time I have plants much taller, they turn out to be boys. The other four are prolly girls and it's just like a couple who has four kids...same genetics, but each kid looks different.

  11. JustAGuy

    JustAGuy Germinating

    I hope they're not males as I bought feminized seeds, but I have heard a lot of people say that the taller ones generally turn out to be males, but like I said I bought feminized...

    And gotcha, I've been wondering why they all look a bit different, same strain of seed, but all look a bit different, thanks :)
  12. LoneGirlGrower

    LoneGirlGrower Germinating

    i've heard that feminized seeds that start out female in veg sometimes herm out in flower. the reason for that being that they have to herm out a female plant to get feminized seeds, and generally the ones that herm out are the weaker genetics. therefore, they herm out easier to begin with.

    aside from that, it sounds like the shorter ones, if they are the same strain as the taller ones, could just not be as strong genetically, and i would turn a strong or tall one into a mother plant, and take clones off of that one.

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