I am thinking i have found a good spot to grow but sometimes helicopters fly over looking for it. Its in a bush that its pretty thick and i was wondering if they can pick out one or a few plants grouped up from the air if they are hidden well. And do they have any equiptment that makes it easier for them to find it. My friend told me they have some sort of sensor thing that can spot the stuff out good, But i am not sure about this because why wouldn't it detect all the other types of plants around it? Anyways i would like to know how easly it can be found. Thanks
yes, they have sensors that can detect the "heat", and if you have ever been a copter you know you can see with a birds eye view form 3D into 1D[looking down]I suggest planting a "lure" crop..to sacrifice and have your primo crop hidden away or randomly spaced..with plant yeilds at a minimum of $1000 per plant,you dont need many. OM
Most sky pigs are looking for plantations. I was once on my way to tend a modest 8-plant grow when I saw a chopper circling my grow. I knew for sure they saw it;no doubt. After a few seconds they flew away. I was so sure I was gonna get busted or have my stuff stolen, but nothing ever happened; 4 weeks later I harvested. Several years later is when I was told that they look for big grows; stuff that makes the news, not some hippie's medi-crop. Pot has a color 'signature' and they have stuff to detect it, but I wouldn't worry unless you have a lot. Nowadays, in The Emerald Triangle; the feds don't **** with anything less than 100 plants. When they locate a large grow, they contact the media and then play army, sliding down ropes (if it's remote and it usually is) and attacking the plants as if they were enemy soldiers, then air-lifting it out.