help start growing

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by mw420, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. mw420

    mw420 Germinated

    Alright. I am growing marijuana for the first time this summer and i am planning on planting my seeds in a week or two. I cannot grow anything indoors or anything like that because my family will find it. I have been asking around and a number of people have told me that i should

    1. plant the seed in wet paper towels
    - the seed will sprout in little time

    2. once the seeds have sprouted plant them in made 2 little bottle terrariums that i can make.

    3. plants get a little larger plant them in the ground.

    I am planning on planting my plants in a marshy wetlandish area behind my house with natural soil and adding some of my own planting soil.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on things to do differently? Also how often do you suggest watering?
  2. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    A. Plant in peat pellets (discs of peat that expand when watered) 1" deep, on their sides.

    B. Plant each seed in prepared soil, use 2 or 3-litre bottles as a mini-greenhouse/cover.

    C. Pot plants need to be in well-drained soil. If you plant them in soil that's always wet they'll die.
  3. mw420

    mw420 Germinated

    thanks for the info, sounds like a good plan to me
  4. OutDoorGrower

    OutDoorGrower Germinated

    I take it your a beginner dont do all that stuff just to plant. Just simply make a hole in tha ground then put soil in and fill it up dont compact the soil too hard or the water will not drain properly.and then once u have sprouts put the sprout in the soil (white stem facing down and seed up) put down about 2 inches or one under the soil and soon the sprout will break out of te soil and ur growing has begun..... ( by the way this is my method of growing only i put a root screen in the hole so that roots wont interfere with my pots roots. I would also say if ne one thinks this is a stupid way of growing its not my plants are probably one of the most healthy palnts out there)
  5. OutDoorGrower

    OutDoorGrower Germinated

    You can tell when to water by sticking ur finger in the soil about 2 inches down and if its dry then water.... -OdG
  6. mw420

    mw420 Germinated

    thanks for the info... how far should my plants be from a stream? also how can i keep deer away from my plants?
  7. OutDoorGrower

    OutDoorGrower Germinated

    well it doesnt really matter dont put it too close bcuz some hunters might go down there but kepp it in distance so that you can water it easily. I put soap around my plants and i have a gate around them...
  8. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

  9. kover420

    kover420 Veggy Stage

    You should veg your plant inside before taking it outside. but if not possible, fine. But another thing you should do is get buckets 5 gallon at least, root boundage is a big problem and can be fixed before it starts with the right size bucket. What I have done in the past is get the soil/homemade mix, get a 5 gallon bucket and dig the whole in the ground so the bucket can fit inside, and fill the hole with soil. I dont know why, but I used to do that, and it worked quite well.

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