help with growing

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by mw420, Apr 21, 2004.

  1. mw420

    mw420 Germinated

    Alright. I am growing marijuana for the first time this summer and i am planning on planting my seeds in a week or two. I cannot grow anything indoors or anything like that because my family will find it. I have been asking around and a number of people have told me that i should

    1. plant the seed in wet paper towels
      - the seed will sprout in little time

    2. once the seeds have sprouted plant them in made 2 little bottle terrariums that i can make.

    3. plants get a little larger plant them in the ground.

    I am planning on planting my plants in a marshy wetlandish area behind my house with natural soil and adding some of my own planting soil.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on things to do differently? Also how often do you suggest watering?
  2. pollypboy

    pollypboy Developed Alternating Nodes

    personally i think it is better to plant the seeds straight into soil. this means they have access to nutes straight away. the only thing is u cant see them so u dont know wether they have sprouted or not. paper towels do work well. marshy land wont be to good because ganja likes quite dry soil. for example it grows very well in afganistan in the deserty hills. I would try and dig some pots into the ground (big ones) and fill with your own mix. there are loads of good mixes to use. the mini green houses made from bottles work well to. u should consider growing indoors tho. i grew when i was at home with my parents in the attic. they never went up there. it would have been a shock to them if they had! haha. hope this helps good luck!!
  3. llIndigoll

    llIndigoll Medical Grower

    Hydric soil is found in wetlands. Hydric soil by definition: "Soils that are saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions that favor the growth and regeneration of hydrophytic vegetation." I have never seen Cannabis sativa/indica grow in hydric soil. That does not mean that it can't be done, but be aware that most outdoor MJ is not grown in hydric soil.

    Another thing to consider is the risks you are placing on your parents by growing MJ on their property. Just to clarify, this site does not promote growing in a house that is not owned by you without the consent of the owners. In other words, it isn't cool to grow in your parent's house if they don't know. It's their security you're playing with and putting at risk.

    In terms of your other questions, I'd suggest you read every post in our FAQ forum. After that I think you should read them again.

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