Hempy to outdoors

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by Convict, May 21, 2009.

  1. Convict

    Convict Veggy Stage

    I had 13 hempy's in solo cups about 9"-12" tall. I scattered them around outside in different locations a couple of weeks ago. They all have seem to taken pretty well. They weened into the outdoors in one day, seemed to love it outside. I lost three of them to some fuckin critter that dug underneath the tomato cages and branches and ate the entire root balls and all the perlite. Other than that they look good, I might be able to get pics up this weekend.
  2. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    They must die!!!!!!

    No, sorry to hear that, man. Not to late to plant more.
  3. smurf420

    smurf420 Ganja Connoisseur

    very interesting i always have wondered how hempy would do outdoors i look forward to updates.

    may i suggest using that contraption in ur avatar to take care of them critters:wink:
  4. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest


    bummer convict that some critter got your plants. glad to hear they came out after the trouble you were having with some of them. Hopefully the rest will bring you a bountiful harvest. Good luck

  5. Convict

    Convict Veggy Stage


    Ah hell teamster6, I never did get that ph problem figured out on the indoor plants. This water is screwy, the ph steadily rises the longer I let it sit. I let it sit for 5 days once and it became stagnant and stunk the entire house up. I'm just flushing twice a week now. Once with RO ph'd water, and once with nutes. It's the only way I've found to keep it somewhat steady at 5.8. I wish there was something that I could add to the water to stabilize it once I got it where I want it.

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