
Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by ClayStreet, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    I think what happened is the humidity in this house expands and contracts the wood.. I have two doors in the house that when the seasons change they don't shut right. I noticed the slide in tray to the Stash here was curved upwards.. I bet me trying to push it in last time while it was convexed caused this mishap!!

    I can get by with it I guess.. as long as it doesn't get worse. I should have had comprehensive insurance :LOL: The mirror is just raised a little on one side so I'll always have to scrape the opposite way. :bigok:

  2. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Yup...you have the old version Clay. The mirror is framed in by the wood. I later changed to a soild wood base that had a recessed mirror.I hough it would be easier to change the mirror if needed and made it much stronger. **** man...I am bummed out about this. First bad thing that has happened out of all I sent out. [​IMG] I knew that was going to come up though...thus the change over. I'll have to make it right for ya Clay. Maybe another before I take off out of here. ;) I'll have to wait a bit though. I want to set my equipment up at my buddies place first.
  3. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    well it's not yer fault man.. like I said we have warp wood issues out here..

    I should have coated with Thompson's Water Seal.. :LOL:

    (Edited by ClayStreet at 5:59 pm on Mar. 13, 2004)

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