any rough idea's of how far the smell of a small crop of females could travel? like if you were within 150 feet of a crop, (someone walking by) would the scent be strong? lets say the stinkiest indica.
Hahahaha no, not from 150' away. Unless they were downwind, the conditions were EXACTLY right and the smeller knew what growing pot smells like.
lol, thats what I thought. some assholes were trying to scare me, they told me a bunch of bull ****. in fact they said you could smell weed up to 3 miles away. of course i knew that was false, but I never really thought of how far the smell would travel outside. I was thinking if you were 20 feet away you might get a wiff.
i dunno i've smelt some pretty fat whiffs and spent hours lookin turning up ranger sayz if the conditions are great! and u r downwind from 10 full sized flowerung skunk buds.....hmmmm hard to disagree with THAT one....
Think about it. Say there were some plants growing in the end zone of a football field and you're standing at the 50-yard (150') line. Think you'd be able to smell them?
r we talkin about 100 full-sized (6 ft) fully budded females????skunk????!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckin A the people in the stands would gohn home it wood reak so fuckin bad!!!!!then they'd all get in car accidents they all be so high@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahahha what makes u think weed smells dont drift??? i have smelt cow manure/ smelter smog / fire / and so-on and i live miles from any of those places ..... i would think the smell doesnt just go away where no one can smell it sure it goes up into the atmosphere but on a windy day? she's got some blow by-ability!@@@
lmao, I was talking about like 20 plants, 100 is a different story. I think cow manure is alot stronger smell than weed. yes weed can be pungent but manure can be fucking nauseating, if you had 100 stinky skunk buds I wouldnt be suprised if you could smell it 100 ft away. btw dont they smell a little more after they are cut down, this is just a guess on my part. (Edited by Disturbed1980 at 8:42 am on July 1, 2004)
some strains will smell the MOST when in bud... at least were on the same page about 100 plants!haahaa