In Canada marijuana activists seem to be winning more then they lose on the federal level and winning less then they lose on any lower level of government. In the US I would say it is the opposite. So assumeing either country was to legalize where do you guys think the battle will be fought/won? One state/province at a time or all at once on the federal level. Or do you think the battle will be fought state by state but only won when such incrimental victories lead to a final federal victory. I personally would say Canada is moving towards it much faster on a federal level but the US will likly legalize the way I just mentioned. Thoughts/comments....
i think that the us gov will keep it illegal for a while to come still...but i also think thats its fairly tolerated,... canada definitly has got it going on....and with this new draft that even college students have to apply.....canada my home!@!
yes, I don't think either country will outright legalize any time soon. I think we are going to do it before the states does though (I am being positive) but if the states legalized first I am sure we would have no trouble continuing to be thier little lap dog and follow suit. so really living here is a win win lol.
oh yeah, i dont see the us legalizing anytime soon....they should illegalize tobacco....its more addictive....and less people would smoke weed than cigs....
Yes I have taken these 3 drugs (other to) before - cocaine, nicotine, THC. The two most similar I would say were the cocaine and nicotine. Luckily I spaced out cocaine doses before completely quiting so I never really got addicited to it. Cigs on the other hand I went though hell going though the withdrawls. Oh BTW thanks CLOSETGROWTH for all the support you gave me (I was gardener at the time) as I kicked this deadly habit.
i have seen some friends battle with cocaine, and it was rough. i am trying to kick nicotine; and for mj, well its all good. i have seen meth really take a friend off course, i mean crazy accidents at high speeds, amd know hes goign into the navy in 1 week..damn i think that if hemp was legal, and tobacco wasnt, people would eventually rub out tobacco and people would forget about it. just wait a couple generations...tobacco is worthless ****. period... (Edited by budzRus at 1:36 am on Feb. 9, 2003)
Ciga are definetly the most addictive of all of em'. Ive quit coke, crack, heroin, extacy and even pot for a while, but ciga are just too fuckin habitual and addictive. The others had addictive qualities, but not he habitual effect. I smoke cigs in the morning with my coffee, when im takin a sh!t, after breakfats, lunch and dinner, during work breaks, when im driving, when im online... all the damn time! I feel nekkid without my cigs! Thwere far more dangerous than pot, but i dont think it should be illegal tho, its a choice people make, and it should stay that way.
yea its up to the choice of the people,... but ALL people would benefit from quitting, its hypocriticalfor me to say that though, cause i'm startin to wonder when i;m gonna have my first cig today... anyone know that theyre considerede a laxative? i just gotta start stayin away from em...theyre freakin 4.50 in washington, but 2.50 in idaho? damn..i hear in NY, theyre like 7.50...damn... (Edited by budzRus at 12:17 pm on Feb. 9, 2003)
I used to buy them from this store in my neighbourhood 'ghetto' when I was 15-16 for 4 CND a pack. now they cost 7 CND. even though it was illegal I could still buy them (from a store) so I guess making them illegal would really do nothing but create a black market. Also considering that the price nearly doubled due to the govenment increasing taxes, that would indicate to me that at least 50% of the price is going to the governemnt. Since they see how outrageously something harmful can be taxed in the name of harm reduction I don't know why they hold back on legalizeing pot that they could easily charge 200%+ tax on.
Goverments have tried to 'stamp out' tobacco for hundreds of years with no success. They've tried to eliminate other drugs/substances for longer that that, with the same result. If people want them, people will get them. In Ausralia, where the cost of cigs is sky-high, cultivation of tobacco is illegal and a growing (literally) industry. I'm wondering how much longer it will be before cigarettes are smuggled into the U.S. in massive quantities.
Good to hear you kicked it FF420. What was the method you used to do it? Or was it just cold-turkey, with moral support from friends??? I gotta put these damn things down too!!(as I light one up) I used to be an active adrenaline junky, and now am a withering shadow of my former self. I am only 30, and have been smoking for a little over 10 years. Menthols, too...,,, These things are gonna be the death of me if I don't quit soon!!