Hydro CAN be easy as pie...

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Lemonpie, May 17, 2004.

  1. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    I want to share my set up, and my cultivating experience with you.
    I have a flood and drain system. 400hps a 3x3 table and a 30gal reservoir. A pH meter and truncheon nutrient stick. A maxi Jet 900 pump. I also have a sump pump to aid in the draining process:) I use rockwool for seedlings and when they mature, I put the rockwool cubes in the net pots and conceal the cubes with hydroton. I also have 30bls of hydronton in my table. The reason for all the hydronton, is that the roots of the plant will grow beneath them, hiding from the light
    My fert's are PBP, and nutrient additives Green Fuse and Dark Energy.
    My experience with this set up is:ebert:
    http://forum.growkind.com/forum....p>NOTE: The hydronton is the colour of red clay and is very messy. To avoid an unpleasant mess I suggest rinsing off the hydronton before using if you can, it made a mess out of my talble and reservoir. I actually used a pasta stainer do to it...took me a few trips from the tub to the bucket, but it worked, and now my res and tray are clean.
    My AK-47 are doing well, I'm in week three of flowing these lovely ladies and I'm going to share pics of my final harvest with all of you.

    I love this set up, but I actually want to change to Waterfarms...something different, and an adventure. This set up set me back a little, but the payoff of smoking such fine herbs is what this is all about:)

    When I arrived at GK, I'd never grown MJ. And it's here that I learned to grow. This place is why I'm able to grwo:)
    I learned everything I know from this site and the ppl that are part of it. If I can grow a bud like the above, so can you!:cheesy:

    Happy hydro growing!

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 11:03 am on May 17, 2004)

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 2:36 am on June 8, 2004)
  2. GhostDog

    GhostDog Begun Flowering

    cool pie. i learned most of what i know from this site too. I want to get into hydro with a 4x4 table. i got a 1k watt light right now. planning on setting up a SOG. got my moms grown to maturity just need to get up enough funds for the hydro epuiptment.
  3. marymaryquitecntrary

    marymaryquitecntrary Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    oh yeah, pie, you gotta rinse those red pellets at least twice, before you use them. they will clog up anything and everything if you don't.

    sorry no one warned you before you put it in your tray ... my grow people told me.
  4. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    lol, it freaked me out:( I was like holy crap! This wasn't in the manual!

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 1:03 pm on May 17, 2004)
  5. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    Yeah, also with them red balls. I would every 2-3 grows, soak em' in a bucket with that "clear" stuff at the store, kept em' leached out, as well as I found that mold spores would "ride" along, and build up faster in the works if I didn't knock em' back with the clear.
  6. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    growinfireman, I did something to that effect. I soaked the red balls in water with a little bleach, and rinsed very thoroughly. I spray my tray after everygrow with a bleach and water solution. It works great getting all the yuckie stuff off, and again I rinse thoroughly. I haven't had a prob as of yet, clean and smooth:)
  7. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    Well, bleach is alot cheaper than clear. Good one!!! and, for you kids at home, do it like Lemon said, rinse them red balls real well after a bleach cleansing bath. 10% in water would do it. But, for me, I'm gonna' use, "lemon fresh" bleach........
  8. Growannabe

    Growannabe Begun Flowering

    i heard this is where SM90 by nutrilife comes in handy......wtf is clear?

    how come u guys use harsh bleach instead of H202[​IMG]?[​IMG]

    CHEMICALX420 Hydro Grown

    I have heard that if you soak the hydroton or grow rocks as some call them, in a solution of 10ml of Hydrogen Peroxide per 1 gallon of water they can be reused. Let them sit in the solution for a few minutes and dry them out. They will be ready for reuse in a couple of hours.
  10. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    Clear is this leaching solution. Some growers will skive on flushing the plant, then they use the clear to "pull" chemis out of the plant. I use it, but I also flush alot, too.
  11. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    I use bleach because it works. I didn't use straight bleach, I use a solution of bleach and water 1:10. It's not harsh when you use a little. Very effective cleanser, disinfectant. And it's a buck a gallon.

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 12:23 pm on May 20, 2004)
  12. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    What?!?!?! I said the bleach was a good idea? I'll use it myself. Whats all the angst for? I gave ya' mad props? someone asked what, "Clear" was, and I told em' but it is much costlier than clorox, so If I ever run plants again, Lemon fresh clorox is a bet!!!! how'd I make you mad, Madam Pie?[​IMG]??
  13. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Darling fireman, you didn't make me mad! I was responding to Growwannabe...simply responding to HIS question;)
  14. Growannabe

    Growannabe Begun Flowering

    im not trying to rain on your parade or nuffin but bleach just strikes me in the same way GASoline does... i guess i just cant stand the overwhelming odor! either that or its those reoccuring childhood nightmares of swimming in red-eye induced swimming pools [​IMG]
  15. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Oh I know Growwannabe, it is strong, but when used correctly the results are usually a clean disinfected surface, but that's my opinion. I'm a bleach person, I believe in it...lol

    It's a matter of what your comfortable with:)

    (Edited by Lemonpie at 10:06 pm on May 20, 2004)
  16. growinfireman

    growinfireman A Fat Sticky Bud

    Toxicity = Concentration. Your instincts on bleach are right on, Growanna, but the key is the dilution of the solution, as well as lowering the parts per billion again per a good rinse. I would rather have a couple parts floating around, than a mold invasion. Your exposure to bleach is greatest in your tighty whiteys. Fear all chemis, dude.
  17. Growannabe

    Growannabe Begun Flowering

    mind you i dont really like handling h202 either....

    i would imagine bleach kills ABsolutely everything

    i'll give er' a go next time and let yas know!

    can you see anything get washed off the hydroton or is it just a outer cleansing? what the hells in there?>
  18. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :laugh:Yeah...my hydroguy didn't warn me howto clean the Hydroton neither...i also had 2 learn tha hard way fellow growkinders!

    :light:Anyhow...your Ak47 shotz are truly amazing...you da wo-Man Lemonpie...u go girl...:light:

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 9:12 am on June 6, 2004)
  19. Lemonpie

    Lemonpie Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

  20. BelowMe

    BelowMe Excommunicated

    lemon,,,do you completely bury the rockwool in the clay balls? i prefer the rapid rooter starter plugs,,, the water to air retention values are astounding for me, slightly better than the rockwool. also get a 99%clone success with them compared to a 75%. id like to comment on the waterfarms, verry cool. i dont know anything about the table setup but ill tell you the ease and versatillity of the waterfarm is epic. just gotta keep em clean. as for your first post,,, im glad that you have joined the fight for personal independence, welcome to the counter culture,,, grow on!

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