hey everybody i had a idea. i need to know if im doing good or damage to plants. i have a hydro system that is about 8 gal. 4 gal h20 is all i keep in there just to cover pump with spinner. my grow room is in a sealed walk in closet.my grow area is emergency blankets tented and sealed. with co2 enrichment in tent. all is very good a great grow enviorment. my ww is fist size colas now. im thinking 1 1/2 weeks done.anyway i was at walmart tonight and i ran across a cheap fish pump. i picked up an air stone and tubing. not really giving it much thought. so i put airstone in resi and pluged it in sealed up tent. ok now im thinking. the air that the pump for airstone is pushing is co2 enriched air into resi.it is all sealed inside my tented area. i manully ventalate 2-3 times daily anyway but is this doing anything. good bad or just an idea.i will be doing some research on this before the night is over so far im just geting different co2 o2 aplications for several grow methods please let me know.i will leave in until light cycle change. im so close with these girls thanks alot
#Moderation Mode Gonna move ya on over here buddy where I KNOW you will get many responces Moved here
I really don't comprehend what you're saying/asking, but you said something about inducing CO2 into the water in the res. The res needs oxygen, not CO2. p.s.If you don't have a rather sophisticated ventilation set-up (and it doesn't sound like you have) and other hardware chances are that your CO2 augmentation system is not doing you much good.
I am with ranger. The CO2 needs to be in the atmosphere, not in the ressy. Two issues are: 1) Carbon is heavier than O2 so it sinks. 2) The CO2 would go through a chemical transformation, dropping the carbon atom and create a hydrocarbon molecule(if my pathetic recollection of chemistry is any good!). Thats not good for your girls. Or the environment for that matter. And again, I agree with ranger on the fact that if you don't total control of the atmospheric environment, CO2 doesn't do much good. Hope that helps ya.
i confused again. as always. do you me h2o2? i've but that in my res. before. works good, but now i use an air stone and air pump.
No, I am not talking about H2O2, thats hydrogen peroxide. You said you were pumping CO2 enriched air into your reservoir. OR did I misunderstand? I was discussing the chemical reaction thats going to take place between the CO2 and H2O. Should give you CH2 and O3. But like I said my chemistry is pretty god damn rusty so I could be way wrong on that. Am now wishing I remebered the table of elements better... But I know that CO2 is heavier than Air, and sinks. It contains an extra carbon atom and therefore is heavier.
Useless- maybe I can help with this one. Gases are a bit different, they need energy to combine (endothermic reaction in most cases, there are exceptions). Assuming the only energy available is free energy at room temp. It wouldn't be enough to form O3 (ozone). O3 is formed in high energy reactions like UV rays high in the atmosphere or lightning strikes and CH2 is created during high temp reactions such as within the cylinder of a car engine. My guess if anything, the CO2 would bubble out of the res solution, at best it would fizz like a soda. The CO2 wouldn't do any good for the root system since CO2 is taken into to stoma of the leaf tissue (i know you know all this, but it's for everyone else's benefit too). Now, if the res temp was raised slightly, it is possible that the CO2 would dissolve into the solution but should (by my caculations)combine to form CH2O which is merely a sugar that cant be utilized outside of the root system since that is the purpose within the roots to convert water and CO2 into CH2O+ O2 (krebs cycle aka citric acid cycle). One way of testing this would be to add CO2+O2+H2O (-->CH2O+H2O+free oxygen) the pH should raise slightly showing the formation of simple sugars in the res soulution, NOW for all this to happen the res temp would have to be raised to about 99F and sustained for an equilibrium to be reached. My bottom line thoughts, sure you get oxygen (for the roots) but the pH would be unmanagable with the constant newly formed sugars that would steal H and C (organic chemistry) creating long chain polysaccharides (complex sugars, disaccharides) The plant would be fighting for nutes, man-made nute lock. Hope this help (Edited by Joint Effort at 12:04 am on July 10, 2003)
THC, what site? No link bro....But are you refering to ExelloFizz? CO2 tablets from SuperNatural Brand? Never tried them. Seen them, but I have learned that unless you control the atmosphere, the CO2 does little good. Trying to control atmosphere with just timers is a pain in the ass, so use of an atmosperic controller is almost a requirement. IMHO anyways. JE, I knew my chem was bad. Different properties in different forms. (Gas/liquid). And I should have known about the energy requirements to change the gas to a solid. DUH! Also, again 100% correct on the ionic properties and chemical transformations. CH20, not CH2, can't have a negative particle! Man my chem is really bad... Thanks for solid info JE. Oh, yea, 99 degree F ressy temps would FRY the root system.
I'd like to add my 2cents(when do i not?).. Simply place your airpump OUTSIDE of your tent....mission complete! No Co2 invading the rootz...jus good ol' O2!!! Yes! Did that help? If not...then herb has permission to Delete me!!!
Wow! JE, catalytic poetry... I knew it would create a pH problem, from simple experimentation, but the 'saccrides explaines it. BioChem is another of those things I used to know, too, Useless. {8^| frustraitin' ain't it?
You would get more o2 from your air stones if you could keep your rezzy open all day to let the c02 out and gather fresh o2 from the room or have a fan blowing over the top of the rezzy.