I\'m looking into more advanced hydro systems

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Sven, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. Sven

    Sven Germinated

    I currently grow hydroponically by delivering nutes through hand-watering. Plants are in their own appropriately sized containers with varing amounts of space between plants (depending on the strain). I recently began researching more advanced hydroponic systems like the Aerojet System (a aeroponic type), the Aeroflo Growing System, The Aqua Top from MegaWatt, or the North American Hydroponics "World's Greatest Growing Machine". I've even looked into the very expensive Omega Garden (the round, rotating system).

    They all seem like great systems but I was struck by what appeared to be growing locations VERY close to each other and VERY small growing containers. Meaning, it appeared that one would be restricted to a SOG growing methodology if using one of these systems. Why is that?

    I realize that there are less sophisticated types of hydroponic systems that allow flexibility with regard to container size and space between plants, but it seems that the more advanced systems all share the common trait of small planting containers, very close to one another. Again, a SOG bias?
  2. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Most aero machines and flood tables, including the omega are based around SOG. Simply because hydro is so much faster, and SOG is the fastest growing method, they kind of go hand in hand. The best hydro sytem that isn't based around SOG are bubblers. They are usually done with 1-2 months veg times.

    Certainly not saying that a flood table or aero couldn't be used for larger plants, or that bubblers cant be used for SOG, you would just have to adjust the number of plants and their veg times accordingly.
  3. HappyJay

    HappyJay Red Eyed Jedi

    Useless has hit the nail on the head there Sven.

    Hydro systems are also usually designed around the principle of using clone not seed. Seed can stiil be effectively used but ore not fully recomended. If you are looking to grow larger hydroponic plants I would also suggest the bubblers or may be even some larger recirculating pots/ dutch pots or drip irrigation type systems. These can be cost effective and simple to make. If you keep looking you will find one to suit your needs.
  4. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:I like the SOG method best because of it'z almost Zero Shade Factor.

    Basically, the shorter you can keep your plantz during Bloom...

    ...the more yield you shall recieve...it'z really that simple!:smokin:

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