Y wont the 18th paGE open on the Outdoor grow thread????? WTF i tried both of my labtops and neither will open the 18th page??? Erase after this is fixed if u want just trin to get it out there!
boa, try going to your personal view settings, change your number of posts per page. mine's been at 40 so long, i saw your 'page 18' i thought, holy shit, then i remembered the default is much smaller..... GTWT
I noticed that this morning as well. I was trying to delete everybody's duplicate posts from last nights little glitch and noticed I couldn't open what is Page 2 of your thread on my settings. We've had several glitches over the past couple weeks. We are currently looking into it and hope to get it fixed soon. Standby opcorn-2:
That puts my comment, which was on the unopenable 18th page, on to the 5th page and visible, but the question still remains why the 18th page wouldn't open in the first place? Spider mites?