well here it goes... im from an asian country wid a very hot climate. i say a tropical one.we dont have the kind of place like u guys have wer its cold and dry. although we do have dubi here of all sorts. they come from the mountains in the provinces were again its cold and dry juz like ur place. sometyms its so damn hard to get lockd because of dubi shortage. ive tryd growin my own. bout 10 times? 20 times? i dont even know anymore! have u ever had that urge to light a joint or a bong but nuttin to blaze?! man that hurts! atlast i have grown my 1st plant. its on its 3rd week about 4in tall. the problem is this: lower leaves are gettin yellow, its a "litte" infested, and the last is that i cant imagine my plant growing like the way you guys grow ur plant. man 4 feet?! thats sumtin. i dont care if my plant is a male or a female as long as it grows and i get to taste my own homegrown plant, im contended. nid help. bad...
hello, welcome ernest.... havent we all wanted to just spark up a joint....but with no weed...lol anyways, ya it must be great to have such a hot climat...how hot exactly is it throughout the day averagly? and the humidity?? Well, no matter wut, you plant will get infested outside or even inside..cant do much about it... So your plant is 4inches tall right now... how old is it?? wut kind of soil is it in?? how often do you water? what kind of ferts are you going to use soon? These little topics here are VERY important to consider when growing outdoor. get back to me on this info and ill tell you the problem... As long as the newer leaves are comming out fresh and green(without curling) you have a healthy plant...the older leaves are bound to have some yellow at least...if the newer leaves comming out are yellow, then we got a problem.. Also, of corse your not going to have a nice big plant like everybody here.....with THAT ATTITUDE!! you gotta have faith...read, do research, and do more reading, with more research......you have to have the knowledge if you dont have the experience...simple..so get back to me on that peice of info and ill respond with an answer....in the mean time do some studying, it will only make you a better grower.. later!
bout 3 weeks old man. soil came from moms garden. well i think i have a healthy plant coz if wat u say is true that yellowin of lower leaf is normal, the new ones are green and not curling, then im ok. ferts? dunno what to use. cant i just mix 1? a simple recipe will do. wen is the time u can actually smoke the plant? 1 inch worms wid many feet. idont know maybe a centipede, is that bad for the plant? tnx man