please forgive my ignorance but im on my first grow! Ive got two plants in an ebb and flow system with a 17 litre ressy, under a 250 hps, they are growing in clay balls and are two months old and bout 18 - 24 inches, ive noticed the ends of the leaved curling under and goin brown also the older growth is turning white??? all new growth looks good, nice shade of green etc but it soon gets the brown curly ends to it? Could this be due to a high TDS? ive just measured mine and the gizmo said it was 950 ppm, is the solution? ive tried just about everything including the fabled epsom salts!!! please help guys im desperate!
It depends on the nutrients you are using. Different nutrients require different ppm/tds. Have you flushed them yet? Gotta flush at least every 2 weeks in hydro, preferably once a week. Just run plain water ph'd to 5.2-5.6 for 1 nights worth of feedings. Its advisable to add H2O2 but not a neccesity. Also, hows your Ph?
my ph is 6.2 and im using nutriculture 2 part power grow (leaf)ive never flushed!!! shame on me! The instructions on the bottle say keep the ph between 6 and 7??
I have never heard of that nutrient. Is it designed for hydroponics or soil? Soil specific ferts would suggest ph 6.0-7.0, but for hydro ideal Ph is 5.2-6.0 Also, if you have never flushed, give em a good flush as I suggested, use the H2O2 (35% food grade hydrogen peroxide), then refill the ressy, and run nutes at 75% for a few days until new growth is visible. Adjust Ph to 5.2-6.0 That should solve your probs. Hope that helps...
yes its designed for hydro, it all came together as a kit , flowgro 500. Im in UK maybe thats why youve not heard of it?
I've went as long as 3 weekz without flushing...and my plants suffered from Fert burns during the 3rd week. Useless gives the best advice fer flushing handz down...thanx again Useless... (Edited by ismoke2much at 1:15 am on Oct. 28, 2003)
Thanks Ismoke Its possible that your nutrients are not "plant specific" in which case most ferts recommend a higher Ph for most common vegetables ornamentals etc. Believe me when I say you will notice a huge difference in growth from a 6.4 PH to a 5.4 Ph. The 5.4 will outgrow the alkaline solution because of available protons in the ressy to carry the nutes. another thing I have noticed about non plant specific nutes is that the recommended dosage is a little strong for MJ. Tomato's and peppers for example are heavy, heavy feeders. Go ahead and follow the nutrient instructions, but if you see any yellowing/discoloration, drop the Ph down to 5.2-6.0.... Thats my suggestion anyway..
Listen to Useless he knows what he is talking about! I am in my 3rd week and I cannot belive the growth I am seeing. I am geeting ready to change to a larger resivor because this 2 gallon one is not going to be big enough. I was informed that during flowering you plant will consume 1 liter per plant a day. 2 gallons wont last long. -peace-