Illegal paraphernalia

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DrOrgasm, Feb 25, 2003.

  1. DrOrgasm

    DrOrgasm New Sprout

    I posted this in the smokers lounge but then thought it might be better off in here, so...

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday announced 55 people have been charged with trafficking in illegal drug paraphernalia as part of a nationwide crackdown.

    Ashcroft said selling drug paraphernalia is a billion-dollar industry and sales have skyrocketed through purchases over the Internet.

    Of 17 indictments returned in the investigation, ten are against national distributors of drug paraphernalia and seven involve businesses located in Western Pennsylvania, he told a Justice Department news conference.

    Ashcroft said drug paraphernalia sales had soared with the advent of the Internet, which allows easy access to anyone with a computer.

    "In homes across America we know that children and young adults are the fastest-growing population of Internet users," he said. "The illegal drug paraphernalia industry has invaded the homes of families across the country without the knowledge of those families."

    The defendants have been charged with conspiracy to sell and offering to sell various types of drug paraphernalia. The equipment includes miniature scales, substances for diluting raw narcotics, bongs, marijuana pipes, roach clips and cocaine freebase kits.

    Ashcroft said the defendants are alleged to have knowingly and intentionally sold the items for use with illegal narcotics. Many of the items were disguised as common objects like lipsticks or hi-lighter pens, used by students to elude detection as drug paraphernalia.

    The defendants face a maximum sentence of three years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

    Officials said two investigations had put 11 illicit dotcom companies out of business. John Brown, acting chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration, said, "There are 11 dotcoms that are dot-gone."

    He said sellers of drug paraphernalia were just as responsible as others for the illegal drug trade. "They are as much a part of drug trafficking as silencers are a part of criminal homicide," Brown said.

    Ashcroft said a number of Web sites involving the drug paraphernalia have been changed so people who attempt to access them will instead get the Web page of the DEA and will learn that the site has been restrained under court order.

    He said the government would seek a court order to do the same thing for an additional 15 or 20 Web sites over the next 30 days.

    Copyright 2003 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  2. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    this is already in the smokers lounge
  3. DrOrgasm

    DrOrgasm New Sprout

    I know im just too fucked up to think right now. Sorry!
  4. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

  5. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Well, that is about par for the course!!! I can't wait till all these old farts die, and a new set of Americans take charge of the Anti-drug war!!! I thought that Clinton would help to get the ball rolling in the legalization of pot, since he smoked, but he is a hipocryte. Well have to wait till someone gets some balls to challange this usless law!!! It is just like prohibation in the early 20th century!!! That was abolished and so will these dumb laws!!! We need more smokers to be couragous, and make a stand for the things we believe in!!! The problem is that everyone who smokes is soo scared that their lives will be affected, that they won't make a public stand. I mean, there alot of highranking people in society that smoke pot(and other things), but they are afraid their careers will suffer if they become an activist for our rights!!! So they just sit back and watch it happen!!! All we need is a few public figures to admit they smoke the dank, and we'll be on the road to a better world!!! Peace all!!!

  6. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Good post rocky.

    But it's not that simple.

    Billions of $ are made by keeping mj illegal.

    The prison gaurd union, the pharmacutical industry and textile concerns (among others) contribute millions to politicians who promise, in return, to keep mj illegal.

    The gov't also likes to keep it illegal because it makes people easier to control. Most people are less likely to speak out against ANY gov't misdeeds if they have a pot garden.

    The way to legalize mj is to vote green.

    Really want pot to be legal?

    Before you cast of vote for ANY politician, write them and ask their stand on pot legalization, or read their campaign literature.

    If they ain't pro-pot, don't vote for them.

    Also you could ally yourself with groups like NORML, circulate pro-legalization petitions, write letters to the editors of newpapers, and set a good example.

    In every public opinion poll I've seen in the last 10 years, a VAST majority (70% or more) of Americans favor either legal med-mj or complete legalization.

    When more than 50% of the states legalize at least med-mj, the gov't will have to change their tune and OBEY the will of the people.
  7. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Nice post Ranger.
  8. Mamafingers

    Mamafingers A Fat Sticky Bud

    yeah youd think theyd have to ranger, but look at san fransico [​IMG] voting dosent mean a thing sadly, we dont live in a democracy anymore, its becoming more and more clear everyday
  9. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Revolution, in this country at least (with all the guns) means death and destruction.  I think all other means should be exhausted first.  Voting is an obligation rather than a right.  If they don't listen to the people--well, you know what Thomas Jefferson said we should do, don't you?

    I prefer a peaceful, non-violent solution.  However, if attacked I WILL defend myself AND The Constitution.

    (Edited by rangerdanger at 3:08 pm on Feb. 25, 2003)
  10. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    That is a good post also, Ranger!!! I agree with what you say there(damn it's a weird world, huh?) 100%!!! I also don't agree with all the policies of any of the parties!!! I would really like to vote for more "green party members", but I'm afraid for the sake of our country. What I mean is, the politicians in office today have all the power, and it'll take alot of people with alot of power to make MJ legal. the ones for the legalization of MJ, don't have the military backing thats essential for our country to defend it's borders!!! You think the problems between Rep. and Dem's is bad, imagine having someone there neither agreed with. I think our only hope for MJ being legal, is for all the old dudes to be gone, and newer younger people takeover!!! It's a matter of time!!! Peace all!!!

  11. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator

    Rky I have to disagree with ya there. Put a Green president in office and he is "Comander in Chief" with the backing of the military ;)

    One symptom of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different effect. If something doesn't work then it is our obligation as citizens of this great nation to find something that does. That is what our forefathers did and how much power did they have? Power comes from within each of us to stand up and speak our mind loud and clear. That power is the greatest of all. The system is broken, and we must fix it.
  12. northlite

    northlite Blazed and Confused

    ...they'll soon nail your stashboxes down permanently, if you don't voice your opinions on the political circuit, give your full support to pro-MJ organisations

    ...don't allow Big Bro, to become too big have your rights of privacy, use them. The Internet is a valuable source of international information, don't allow them to police it,keep you in the dark & feed you ****.
  13. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Thanks for pointing that out Northie.

    Our friend and compatriot sparky could get busted for selling his boxes.

    I never thought any admin. could be worse than tricky dickie's.

    Agnew gets indicted, nixon looks around for someone who'll pardon him and appoints ford, nixon resigns, ford becomes president, appoints rockefeller as veep.

    So that was the first time we had people running this country THAT NO ONE VOTED FOR to lead the country.

    Meanwhile, dickie's atty gen. gets indicted, as do many of his aides (elichman, halderman et. al.).

    The question is, what are we going to do about ashcroft?
  14. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    What are we gonna do with Clintons X-Attorney General??? He's over in Iraq talkin' with Saddam, and other traders!!! You wouldn't think that is a little treasonous, would you??? Peace all!!!

  15. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Trying to prevent war is not treason.
  16. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    That's what they were saying 30 years ago.
  17. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    He's colloborating(sp) with the enemy!!! A known killer, and a world threat!!! Thats treason in my book!!! Peace all!!! He's probably already told Saddam military secrets, that could put the lives of fellow Americans at risk!!! You think thats OK??? I'll buy your ticket, if you want to join them in Iraq!!! I am very serious, I'll buy you a 1way ticket to anywhere in Iraq!!! Come on lets see your ball!!! Thats the place for you to make a differance!!! Peace all!!! I've allowed you to PM me, as long as it's not a vessel for you to preach to me!!! I like for all your retoric to be viewed by all!!! Peace all!!!

  18. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    Pssst. it's called diplomacy.

    Why would our envoy sell saddam military secrets that could put the lives of fellow Americans at risk?

    Why would I want to go to Iraq?

    Really rocky, you need to get a grip!

    p.s. don't send me any more pm's, ok?
  19. RkyMtnWayHigh69

    RkyMtnWayHigh69 2010 NAGC Winner

    Oh, your sooooo smooth!!! I wasted to know why you changed your name from Nickdanger to Rangerdanger??? Thought I'd let you anwser me in a PM, but let's hear it here!!! Why won't you go help the cause in Iraq??? Pssss, it's called "TREASON"!!! Why is he giving Saddam ANY info??? Youy need to finally get some balls!!!

    A blind rabbit and a blind snake bump into each other while roaming through the woods. The blind snake "rubs" up against the blind rabbit, and says, "Your furry, got floppy ears and a fuzzy tail. You must be a rabbit!" The Blind rabbit, amazed, Rubs the snake all over and says, "You've got no balls, you don't have a spine, your real slick, and your really cold, you must be RANGERDANGER!!!" :roll: Peace all!!!

  20. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    ok irocky, I'm opting out of discussing things with you here.

    No matter how I respond, you come back with childish insults. I don't play that.

    You're an annoying smart-aleky kid. You've repeatedly promised to stop the insults but I guess your true nature is revealed.

    If you ever learn to keep your word and keep the debate on the issue's rather than "you're a dirty..." then I'll reconsider. Until then, go bang your head against the wall.

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