Is light bad for roots?

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by Puff-Puff-Pass, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

    Im going to veg in rockwool under T5 fluorescents with a drip system that will have the roots of my clones directly exposed to the light, is that bad? if so what do you guys suggest?
  2. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Yes light is bad. Block the light from the roots with plastic sheeting like Panda Film. Most rockwool blocks have plastic wrapped around the block. Leave that plastic on until you are ready to move them to their permanent home in the flowering room or pot or whatever.

    You can cover your flood table like this. This is my 4'x8' table covered with Panda Film. My roots will spread out and cover the entire table surface, but they are only in small rockwool starter plugs and then I plant them in 5" square pots filled with hydorotn.

  3. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

    What size cubes do you start with? In order to save money on cubes I was thinking about starting off in 2x2 cubes and once they grow a little then put them in little pots and skip putting the 2x2's in 4x4's, this way I can save money and not buy the 4x4's, my only concern is will the 2x2's hold enough water and nutes?

    You have an awesome setup there btw...
  4. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I start them in 1" rockwool starter plugs. Then As soon as they have good roots I plant them into the 5" square plastic pots filled with hydroton and begin the flood and drain cycle. The small plugs hold enough water (as long as they get submerged at least partially in the solution each cycle) to get them through the beginning and as long as you flood and drain often enough, there should be no problem. I do 6 floods every 24 hours so it floods every 4 hours continuously.

    Thanks. It was a lot of time, work, and money invested and it's still not where I want it to be, but it works.
  5. Puff-Puff-Pass

    Puff-Puff-Pass Established Healthy Roots

    Sounds great, thats exactly what im gonna do too, how long do you flood for?...thanx alot

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