... or are we watching a movie mr bush made a couple of weeks ago? man, you won't be tempted to question info on statistics in this war. you can count them yourself, watching the tv. don't you all agree that 'so far, so good'? mary
hussein's end of the block is on fire. i hope no innocent people were stupid enough to move in when he moved out. people are dancing in the street and tearing down his ediface, too.
what are you talking about? 3000 bombs have been dropped! what propaganda bullshit are you watching? YOUR GOVERNMENT LIES AND CHEATS (not that you seem to care) - where's the Iraqi bodycount? Collateral Damage means the murder of civillians or do you only care about dead Americans?
Yes our government lies and cheats....what government doesn't. I will say atleast our government doesn't torture family members including CHILDREN to gain information, back taxes, or plain suspicion of the head of the house hold.apparently you don't know any people from Iraq who have defected to the U.S. to live in freedom not fear.Well i do and they respect everything our goverment is doing to [SIZE=10pt]LIBERATE[/SIZE] Iraq.
Torture? 420 You forgot kill and maim! Not to mention being executed for reading or hearing anything other than Uday's controlled media! And I dont even want to hear any bullshit about how our media is controlled! (even though it is in certin ways) THERE IS NO COMPARISON! (Edited by Waitingfortheson at 8:01 pm on Mar. 21, 2003)
It doesn't matter if it's 300 cruise missles, 3,000 bombs, or 3,000,000 bombs, what's important is WHAT IS BEING BOMBED! From what I have seen on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and Al-Jaz the bombing is tightly targeted on govt buildings and military targets and Sadaam's palaces. I see absoulutly no evidence of targeting civilians. This isn't like WWII carpet bombing, everything that can be done to limit collateral damage is being done, and I would bet that whatever civilian casualties there are will be caused more by AAA fire falling back to earth than by any bombs and missles fired into Baghdad. Oh, and before one of you guys replies that we are only targeting hospitals, orphanages, and old folks homes so that we can kill hundreds of thousands of babies, I'll just say that's not only wrong, it's stupid!
Stupid would be an understatement Ranchero. That's the kind of pin-point accuracy that you'll get for a million plus per missile. Man I'm proud to be an American!
hey budding! where did you get the figure of 3000 missiles having already been dropped over the entire country of iraq? oh my god! our government/media are to us! they're saying they've dropped 1500! p.s. i even watched british tv last night on c-span so i'm TRYING to get the correct data!
BBC NEWS 24 & CHANNEL 4 NEWS ; "American Army Intelligence confirm that over 3000 bombs have been dropped on Iraq since the conflict began" - and this is from the news media in a country that supports the war (shamefully)! 1000 confirmed targets last night alone - that's only 3 per target - just what you'd expect from these "smart" weapons Mary - i respect the fact that you feel you have researched all the available info and based your opinion on it but please see beyond the propaganda - this isn't a movie - every one of those explosions is someone dying - Bush has cheated ordinary Americans so why should you believe him now?
budding ambition? where the **** is it? iraq is where you should move, you should move right into saddams old house you oil stain.
Its not just bush that confirms **** either, is GW on the god damn battlefield? no. so you put your own foot up your ass when you say "gw is " because if hes then what the **** was that big bang this morning right on saddams dome in GagDead?
the only people dying are the ones who are stupid enough to stick by saddam. the evidence and facts are that there has never been such a precise war. they are doing ABSOLUTELY everything that they can do to avoid collateral damage. the electricity in baghdad is still on. the regime is falling a part from the inside out. america is being vindicated. it is still to early to tell. america ended this war with the first cruise missiles on the first night. noone will cry for saddam when he's dead. noone will cry for his sons. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.