Just curious guys,been reading some stuff about American Foreign Policy. Given a choice would you guys over there rather your Govt just looked after its own and left the rest too it or do you guys think a strong U.N or international community needs a strong America in the mix
Man, color me super jaded on this one. The United States has military bases in over 120 countries around the world and, in my opinion, We spend too much time telling other peoples how they have to live. I see our military being used mainly as a spearhead for corporate interests. There are things we do that I am all for, say disaster relief. Those are good things where we are actually helping. I realize that the world political stage is a muddled nightmare but I just don't see the need for us to be the World's policeman. We are spending our grandkids future down the toilet. Wall street, the military industrial complex, Big-pharma, Monsanto- they all wanna make me puke. And as for our next election, Romney or Obama ? That is like having no choice at all. Ron Paul was the only one making any sense and I did not agree with all of his ideas. BBT
we should be concerned But as far as military involvement only when asked. Like when the students cried out for the worlds help in china. We should lead the world by example so they all want what we have. But at there place not seek refuge where its better. But make their own better place.
To me, it's not a matter of the US "looking out for it's own" or "trying to lead the world by example". Not that we shouldn't do those things. I think it's more important that America stop trying to force it's opinion on other countries, and when it does give some good advice, live by that shit, instead of being all hypocritical later. :BangHead:
Agreed but at same time if America bwasnt there then the UN do jackshit,way i see it is UK and USA only nations who get shit done.... good shit and ehm yeah some bad shit,but shit all the same:tvlaugh: Well i cant wait to see what Chinas foreign policy will be in 10years when they supply half the worlds weapons and own the superpowers.... dont tell me it aint going that way. Its a scandal what we ,the world,are allowing to happen in syria....STILL even since my last thread in here non thgis.... why dont u do sumin
I dunno Ap, we got enough of our own shit to clean up before looking outside our borders at the moment. If a country or disenfranchised populace asks for help we, as a largely free people, have a moral obligation. My problem is the strings that come with NATO or U.S. help. The U.N.? Fuck the U.N. That place is largely an expensive cesspool of elite ambassadors more interested with protecting their desk than actually doing anything constructive.
Yeah fuck the UN but nATO....different kettle of fish,we came thru and resolved some serious shit as NATO... syria bomb a NATO aiplane....it dont even make the news.... Taliban do that we send in the SAS and SEALTEAM6... come on wheres the conitency Isolationism only means when theres a threat you dont understand or realise it till its all over you.... The UK is small,we still keep a hand in this shit... Obamas a shitbag,Syrian more than saddam or taliban need taken out,fuck Iran... Syrias being allowed to mass murder fuckers....what use is the UN or NATO now?:sad4:
Do I think we should be the world police? Hell no, but at the same time I don't think it is possible to have a strictly isolationist policy anymore. Whether it was planned or not (IE conspiracy, NWO type bullshit), global communication alone prevents almost every country in the world to be shielded from any other country. Even China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, and Burma realize this. Sociology shows that the vast majority of those under the poverty line are out of poverty within a year or two. The minority of that group are those who choose to be poor or homeless, people with mental problems, and the small group that want to screw the system. I've said this because I see no problem helping other countries with aid because we don't have the same type of poverty as them. As Res said, it is a moral thing. We are rich in comparison to most other countries, even in these hard times we are currently going through but will be out of. As an example, should we put troops on the ground in Syria? I don't think so. Should and can we help the people who are fighting against a leader who is literally bombing his own people for wanting a different government of their own choosing short of military support? Yes, why the hell not if we can?
Personally we try turn Syrian allies against them,failing that and YAWN economic sanctions then i dont see any other course of action.Its ok for Syria to opprese its people but yet we applaud the arab spring We wipe out saddam for what?To cover our own murky tracks but syria can shoot down a nato airplane and we stand scratching our heads,it was an act of war.Maybe we can ignore mass murder of their own people but the minute they show intent againt NATO then if we dont do shit then has NATO any use anymore
Syria. Time for action yet? OK i know a while back i was banging on about Syria,my opinions never changed,only hushed. Nowtheres evidence of chemical attacks on his own citizens aswell as the fact thousands upon thousands have died already..... and yet we stand idly by. You know the UK aint gonna make the move.If USA move me take the flank thats usually how this shit works but Iraq has left a bad taste for too many people.Either way Syria needs sorted,boots on the ground will have Iran shitting bricks and threatning Israel.But this syrai shits been going on for too long.A nation trying to be part of the arab spring now stuck in a fucking grim winter and crying out for world interventionSanctions dont work against these picks.Time to chase the last of the dictator families outta town.Anyone think theres an appettite for another war?Me thinks not really but at what point to nations be responsible and use their wealth,power and might to save people with sticks and stones being poisened and chemcally attacked http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21863750
Yeah its kinda like Bush burned up some world political capital by Operation Iraqi Liberation, and now we're all sick of wars in the middle east. I am horrified by what is happening to those poor innocent children over there. If I could stop it I would, but even assuming some power to stop bad people from doing bad things, figuring out who the bad guy is over there is literally impossible, since they can look the same and in fact be the same person, like a brainwashed child strapped with C-4, or an anti-goverment Syrian Freedom Fighter who was a terrorist yesterday, and is again as soon as no one's watching. I think the West is finally waking up to the fact that it's like Mad Max over there in the middle east. No joke. And Obama could not sell another war right now. And perhaps most importantly "Syria is a relatively small oil producer, accounting for just 0.5 percent of the global production in 2010." Reuters :BangHead:
Can anybody say Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, et al. If you ain't got oil or industry the west don't give a shit. Btw....anybody still wondering where Hussien's weaponry ended up?
Probably the same warehouse that CIA plane that crashed in mexico with 5 tons of cocaine the other day stores all its stuff:icon_biggrin: Did you see tat?WTF are the CIA doing with 5 tons of that shit in one of their "prison planes"
I just heard an interview with Hans Blix. He described his feelings when he heard we were bombing Baghdad. He all but came right out and said "that yahoo Bush" was jumping the gun for an alterior motive.
I mean, what do we do? We don't have the taste or money for another ground war. If we arm them, as the past has shown we will probably be fighting them with our own weapons down the line. It is a no win situation for the West, and especially the US. I personally want to help, but I think if the region wants to be taken seriously, and want to be major players in the world, they should take care of this shit without us. We are already providing intelligence equipment and the like, what else should we do?
I dont know but MILLIONS are now displaced and crossing the border to Jordan,millions more are living in caves inside Syria and in the wilderness. WTF is the point in a U.N when they cant do shit?WTF is the point in Arab Leagues /EU and NATO. We(uk) helped Libya rebels with navy firepower and the like.Why cant we screate a no fly zone over civilian cities?Send in drones and jets to bomb military targets.Its not a war,no boots on the ground and not trying to take over a contry. Just helping topple a shady regime and you never know.The peopleof Syria might just be thankful for it
It isn't the same area or situation which is why we haven't had the no fly zone. On top of that China and Russia (more so Russia, China is like "what the fuck ever" at this point) don't want intervention because they are strong allies of Syria and Iran. Like it or not, both are major world players. We knew whether or not, or who or not (despite some peoples beliefs) were taking control of Libya. It isn't the same here, at least not yet. But, if the chemical attacks are true, you bet your sweet ass there are some patriot missiles making their way into the hands of somebody. "We" won't know how, but they will. This whole thing should be solved by the Arab league. It is their part of the world, don't want us involved political wise, and this is a great chance for them to take charge.......except they need our money......Not UKs, or AU, or whatever....they want US money to do what they should be doing on their own.