Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sylent Skull, Feb 15, 2003.

  1. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    As far as france, germany, china and russian are concerned!!

    Russia's largest oil company, Lukoil, signed a 3.5 billion dollar contract in 1997 to develop West Qurna with reserves put at about eight billion barrels.

    French company TotalFina Elf enjoys exclusive negotiating rights for Majnoon and Bin Umar oil fields.

    China, India and Vietnam have all signed contracts with Iraq to develop its oil reserves, which are the world's second largest after Saudi Arabia.

    When the USA liberates the iraqis, the new iraqi government will be very generous to the liberators and say to hell with those who opposed the liberation ie; France, russia, germany and china.(the 4 nations majorly opposing the topple of saddam)

    Lets not forget the nuclear power plants france has built in iraq and number of weapons and weapon technology china, france and germany have been selling to iraq, even after the UN sanctions forbade any country to sell such things! If america and the UN walk in the iraq and find any weapons with a "made in germany" label, it will certainly be a bad day for the german government.

    France and germany have a long history of choosing the wrong side in wars. China hates america and see's this as an oppurtunity to demonize america, an attempt that will fail down the road. Russia may be the only one who's protests are understandable. There a poor country and could lose billions if saddam id toppled, but if my gut feeling is correct, russia will soon follow suit with the rest of the world and help take out saddam. Russia has just as much of a problem with islamic terrorists as americans do and understand that tough times call for even tougher measures.

    It sickens me to see countries willing to put thier citizens lives on the line for the sake of oil fields and to cover up thier own illegal dealings with iraq.


    Is this YOU geminigoddess?


    (Edited by Sylent Skull at 10:46 am on Feb. 15, 2003)
  2. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    uH-HUH... AND???

    Iraq is indebted up the ass thanks to Kuwait's slick ****.  Saddam's gotta pay the fucking bills just like you, Sylent. So do we ALL.

    "Lets not forget the nuclear power plants france has built in iraq and number of weapons and weapon technology china, france and germany have been selling to iraq, even after the UN sanctions forbade any country to sell such things! If america and the UN walk in the iraq and find any weapons with a "made in germany" label, it will certainly be a bad day for the german government."

    You sound jealous America didn't beat everyone to the punch on this ****, Sylent.

    "It sickens me to see countries willing to put thier citizens lives on the line for the sake of oil fields and to cover up thier own illegal dealings with iraq."

    I SWEAR I don't know how you don't realize you're playing for the WRONG team, Sweetie....:biggrin::alien:

    (Edited by GeminiGoddess at 10:05 am on Feb. 15, 2003)
  3. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Tha rest a this **** is HILARIOUS!!!:biggrin:
  4. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    I'm fixing to dedicate some time to trying to figure out this ikonboard thang.:biggrin:

    Don't go too far, Sylent.... I'm gonna Need You....:biggrin:
  5. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Check yo mail, Skull!:biggrin:
  6. rangerdanger

    rangerdanger ***Rest in Peace***

    How come you haven't posted your enlistment papers yet skull?

    Or would you rather keep banging on that trashcan with a stick?
  7. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud

    Good Afternoon, Ranger:biggrin:

    The Gemini has missed you!:biggrin:

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