The biggest reasons this is a hard one to change is the involved. I dont mean just the price of pot. Im talking the med companies and probably a million others. If this gal thinks the republican party would back this kind of idea she is blowing hot air. A lot of Rep's are strongly against talking about any kind of mj legalazation or med use. They will fight tooth and nail and if I know the Republicans they will fight even harder to make sure this does not happen. t6
Hey guys, not all republicans are against MJ. Tom McClintock of California is one of the good guys. Though, it is true that most are against it, there is some hope... From 2008: though medical marijuana activists were sharply divided on SB 420, the bill was widely viewed as a test of support for medical marijuana by the state legislature. SB 420 passed the Assembly 42-32 and the State Senate 24-14, with medical marijuana supporters voting solidly in favor, and opponents against. The vote was largely on party lines, with just two Republicans, Sen. Bruce McPherson (Santa Cruz) and Sen. Tom McClintock (1000 Oaks) voting in favor of SB 420, while four Democrats opposed: Sen. Dean Florez (Fresno) and Assemblymembers Barbara Matthews (Tracy), Nicole Parra (Fresno) and Lou Correa (Santa Ana). From this year: Representatives Rohrabacher (R-CA), Hinchey (D-NY) McClintock (R-CA) and Farr (D-CA) have introduced an amendment to the FY 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill that would prevent the DEA from wasting taxpayer money by raiding medical marijuana facilities that are in compliance with state laws. This amendment is being referred to as the "Rohrabacher-Hinchey Amendment.
Laugh all you want boys. We're putting a pro Legalization Repub on the ballot in MN this year. Ain't a Dem in the State willing to take such a stand. There's a progressive base in the grassroots of that party who is finally sick of the shit and standing to be recognized. BTW...what have the Dems in power gotten us other than a few early campaign lies in 2008, a few school boy snickers by Obama on the issue while in term, then a trip back to Nixonian drug war schemes. Thanks but no thanks. At least with Repub candidates taking on our cause I KNOW they are committed because they need to go against their own party bias to do it. Swallow some pride and give credit where it's due. Anybody brave enough to go public against the party they affiliate with on an issue as volatile as Legalization deserves to be applauded.
She is a politician and is talking out of her ass. That's what they do when they want your vote. Elect her and you'll see.
It would stand to reason, but don't know. MG...:roffl: She's not running for anything. She's an analyst for a Colorado based conservative think tank that attempts to influence political policy. She's got nothing to gain and everything to lose by coming out with this opinion.
Nobodys laughing here Rezzy but it is what it is and with a ringleader like this I just dont believe it will ever happen. [YOUTUBE]HQH8jDoLoV8[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]NY6UTnS6Z-A[/YOUTUBE]
I personally believe legalization is around the corner. I think the feds, despite if we are controlled by democrats or republicans, will decriminalize weed at the federal level. I don't believe this because of one sides crap or another's. I believe this because it is the next social issue to be used as a bargaining chip as well as a vote geter. Obama is the master of gaining support through social issues, and I think the Republicans will learn from that....if they can figure out what the internet is.
Hell even Hillary is smarter than Romney at least she was not stupid enough to publicly rule it out. [YOUTUBE]gP-GgIVRyV8[/YOUTUBE] Now here was my choice and my favorite response [YOUTUBE]0CHVI8Q-OXQ[/YOUTUBE] t6
T6-With divisive party line attitudes it will most certainly take longer. That much I guarantee. Ill take support for anti-Prohibition from anybody who'll give it.
I agree. I think it's only inevitable that fed policy has to change in the near future. They are grasping at straws right now trying to keep things the way they were, but it's all slowly slipping through their fingers and they will have to adapt to a changing societal view of MJ. It will start with finally rescheduling it down from a class 1 drug. It won't be outright legalized, at least not right away. Change is in the air though. asssit: I like what the woman has to say. Anyone talking about decrim, legalization, med mj, or anything that moves us in the right direction is a good thing and I don't care what party they come from. asssit: