I started a new job, left my girls for 7 days. Wife added water throughout. After the 3rd week of flower I came back to a jungle, overgrown mess. I was worried, seriously concerned about the lack of light to all the areas, and was worried about pruneing 3 weeks into flower. I took the plunge and thinned out the plants dramatically, left with smokeable stuff drying and 1/2 the mass of what was there. After it all, and a good wash, and another fat hash one I stood back. Yes, they look good. Very good. I had increased the feed time last night, today I put it back, 8 mins on every 50 minutes. Now the lights are on 11/11. Another 2 weeks and it's 10/10 to finish. The light trial starts, will it work without 12 hours continious darkness? I bloody well hope so!! Streaker (not from the UK)
High, streakeruk I'm not sure what your ? is, but for a plant to flower, it _must_ have a minimum of 12 hours total darkness. Also do you mean 11/13?or 10/14, for amount of light/dark? If you do 10/10, what do you do with the other 4 hours of the day? Any way,IMHO, it is too bad you pruned. Ithink your best bet would have been to train the branches into positions that allowed light through. That is also why I advocate using some reflective below the plants. In such a case as yours, you are not likely to expose the stomata to excessive light, but you will give a luminary boost to the lower foliage. I have hung compact fluoro coils below plants with their skirts in shadow. Never had any complaints from the ladies. Ofcourse, having smokable drying is rarely a bad thing! the earth girl is just jealous (Edited by earth girl at 9:19 pm on Mar. 6, 2004)
Earth girl, I have thinned them out and the result is large colas, spaced out in the canopy area. Had I left them I would have had lots and lots of smaller buds and lots of leaves. 11/11 works fine, they are looking fine, i go to 10/10 today. With the lost hours I save time , eg, 20 hour day rather than 24, so every 6 days I save 1 day. This is hoped to finish the plants off quicker than ordinarily. A cut in time saves nine, pruning concentrates the plant on good colas. And the trim was bubbled too!! A gram or 3 of fine hash!! Streaker
Good enough! If you are satisfied, that is No. 1. About the shortened day, I just don't know. My understanding about the hormones and how they are affected by light are based only on the natural 24 hour cycle. Hope it keeps going well for you. I'm very interested in your experiment, since I see in my notes I once tried something similar. It got too comfusing for this battered brain, and had me up at weird hours, got my medicines messed up and ended up back in the hospital. End of notes, experiment, and crop. Good luck, give your help-mate her due for her assistance... eg is always ready to try/learn something new!