Ok, I'm growing outdoors (if you don't know), just finished implementing the JOG method (A note, I like that idea alot, but DAMN, you gotta be extra careful not to break the stem, I mean, I've been told it'll be ok, but I thought the stem would still be pretty flexible and it was not. Now I've got my big...well, what was my biggest plant with a complete break in the stem, aleast it's not severved.) Anyways, they are close to six week old, not sure of the exact date when planted. About a week ago I put a half of fertilizer spike in one of the pots to test to see if it was too strong. It seemed to work very well, and now that both pots(which have 3 plants a piece) are JOGing, I went ahead and put another half in the other pot. Well see what happens. The fert spikes are 13-4-5, now from reading in the forums, I'm pretty sure that is a little of from what is recommended but currently I don't not have funds to specifically get what I need for an indoor grow. Nor am I willing to extend the effort at the moment, I maybe moving soon, and would just rather wait until I'm at the new place to start a good indoor grow. For now my experience has only come from 3-4 years of doing exactly what I am now, just on a much lesser scale, meaning less plants. I am by no means a "pro grow" but I'm learning, taking adavantage of the vast info here. For now if you have any different info than what is in the outdoor grow forum, please let me know anything. http://www.growkind.com/marijuanapictures.gk?id=1285 Here's a few, very poor quality pics. I'm a newbie, pretty much to growing, and especially to GK. Thanks for any POSITIVE input. Thanks. CoC
Get those seedlings into their own pots. They will grow bigger, healthier, and more symmetrical with their own root space. Why are you doing the JOG if you intend to put them outside? Not that it's a bad idea, just curious as to your motivation.
It'd be nice to have them all in separte planters, but I don't have all that much room, to have them spaced out. I konw that doesn't make sense, but this will. Ok, they're outdoor's yes, but not in a non public area, now, you ask, isn't it viewable? The answer, no. I live on the top floor, and the only other possible people that can even see the area where I'm growing are at a good distance. So the other plants act as very good camo. Although, I've already spent a good amount getting those handful of plants, it doesn't cover my whole balcony. I can't really afford to spend freely, especially on plants, that serve no purpose but to block the view of my grow. Not right now, when I'm not even getting 40 hrs, and can't get more than 10 hrs at a part timer. As this should also answer your second question as to why I'm JOGing them while outdoors, they cannot be taller than the other plants, or they become very obvious. Yeah, it's a very lame way to grow, but it requires very little attention, virtually cost free, and gives good experience and practice with growing period, that's good for growing indoor or outdoor. CoC
-Jogging a plant should be done from the very early stages; if you waited for a month and a half no wonder it broke. -NEVER have more than 1 plant per container. Plant biology doesn't change because you don't have enough space. -Plant spikes are a terrible way to provide nutrients. Since you don't have much money, here is a free grow guide: http://www.geocities.com/auto112387/reading/grow.html
Misinterpretations can happen. It sadden me for little bit, but eh, it's only a plant. There'll be more, hopefully setup MUCH better as I've said. Thanks for the input anyways.