Keeping Your Eye On The Prize

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by therealdealranger, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. therealdealranger

    therealdealranger Begun Flowering

    I grew for decades in the Nat'l Forest outside of L.A.
    Since it don't rain in SoCal in the summer, that meant watering trips every 3 days.
    It's a hassle. Rolling out of bed at 4 fucking a.m. so I could tend my garden and still get to work, or pounding dusty trails on 95 degree afternoons when all of my friends were at the beach.
    1 thing kept me going.
    The thought of having boxfuls of sticky stinky buds in Oct.

    Look at it this way--
    Say you spend $250.00 on gas and soil/nute's, and spend maybe 250 hours total labor, and end up with 5 lbs. of primo buddage.
    Whether or not you sell any, that's $25,000.00 WORTH of pot.
    So you figure you "got paid" $100.00/hr to drive and hike.
    PLUS you'll get good exercise, breathe clean air, and meet cool people.

    JUST DO IT!!!
  2. georged5150

    georged5150 Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    I your my hero. You really got me at boxes of buds. Hehe, Question... How many plants did it take you to get 5lbs?
  3. Hicountry2

    Hicountry2 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

  4. therealdealranger

    therealdealranger Begun Flowering

    Thanks geo.

    How many plants? I've gotten as much as 5 lbs. off of 3 plants, but that was an exceptional year when everything was perfect.

    Theorectically, you could get 1 million $$ worth of weed off of 120 plants.

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